
Comimng soon:  "Auction" by Owen Lin on 3/14

Review of Last Meeting

Thanks Jeff for hosting the wine meeting. He shared bottles of wine with us and introduced the wine history, type, and classification of France/Germany/Italy.
Two groups were divided to compete with each other by answering questions and winner gets to take home wine.
It was such a relaxing and happy night.

Participants: Allen Tsai, Kevin, 乃欣, Yvonne, Sophia, Daniel Yang, Allen Chang,Cara, Janice, Cherry, Sharon Wu, Ellen, Selina, Claire

Meeting Photos of Last Meeting :

Comimng soon:  "Auction" by Owen Lin on 3/14
You must know or experience Auction in your life before. But you know how it comes from and how many kinds of auctions there are in the world ?
When you join an auction and want to bid some targets, there are certain strategy and tips to goal it. I would like to invite you to join my Auction to share with.
Most important of all, we will have a real auction in my meeting. Please find something good, useful, and interesting but you will never need it to sell it. I assure that all of you have a fabulous and unforgettable afternoon.



2:00-2:20  Self Introduction
2:20-3:40  The history of Auction and its classification.
3:40-3:50  Break
3:50-5:30  Auction Time


Location: 伯朗咖啡(南京一店)2樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用

Address: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218號 (建國北路交叉口,近捷運松江南京站3分鐘)


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