Comimng soon: "Matchmaking for marriage" by Vicky on 3/21

Review of Last Meeting

Owen is appreciated for introducing the history and types of auction around the world. 
With real time auction practice during the meeting, everyone experienced various auction styles based on the auction host’s preference. All Bliss members had a fantastic afternoon. 
Last but not the least, special thanks to all auction attendees and the great host, Owen. The total donation came to  NTD 860 for the Bliss funding.

Participants: Owen,Nelly,Barkley,Sharon,Ellen,Kevin,Annie,Janice,Sharon Wu

Comimng soon: "Matchmaking for marriage" by Vicky on 3/21

Mayor of Taipei recently said that if over 30% of women over age 30 remain unmarried,it will be a threat to national security. After the public backlash against his comment, he added that unmarried “men and women” are equally threatening to national security.


In the upcoming meeting, I am not going to discuss whether unmarried guys can destroy Taiwan or not; instead,I would like to talk about “matchmaking”. Why do people who want to get married stay single? Do soulmates really exist? If yes, why can’t they find each other? Is there any innovative matchmaking business model can solve the problems effectively and efficiently? Let’s have brainstorming this Saturday. Please bring a pen to the meeting place and don’t be late or you may miss the interesting part in the beginning.



14:00~14:30  Warm-up

14:30~15:10  Discussion—who’s “the one”?

15:10~15:45  Introduction of matchmaking industry

15:45~16:00  Break 

16:00~17:00  Discussion — “profiles” and “matchmaking algorithms”

17:00~17:30  Experiment--36 questions by Arthur Aron


Location: 伯朗咖啡(南京一店)2樓,每人店家低消$130,無其他費用

Address: 台北市中山區南京東路2段218號 (建國北路交叉口,近捷運松江南京站3分鐘)


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