Coming soon:"The life style in San Francisco" by Jessica on 11/7
Review of Last Meeting

On 10/31 meeting, Kutt shared some basic knowledge of colors to all of us.

At the bigining, Kurt asked us to discuss what's the imagination when you think of color? Then Kurt
explained what's color-Color is the way describe light determine by the nature of the light reflect from
an object, we can'e see color when there is no light source.

Why we define RGB(red/green/blue) are primary colors?Because primary colors are sets of colors
that can be combined to make other colors. And what's secondary colors?The answer is Cyan(G+B),
Yellow(R+G) and Magenta(B+R). The color "white" is a combination of all colors.

Kurt let us understand"pixel", pixel means the number of bits used to represent each pixel in
RGB color. Most of the digital cameras used 5 megapixels or greater. The higher megapixel value,
the better quality of a picture. How many pixels do I need?It depends on what you are doing with the
picture. On a computer or ordinary photos only need 72 pixels, but professional printing need 300 pixels.

We learned fundamental knowledge about color and camera color solution from Kurt's meeting.

Host: Kurt
Participant: Daniel, Kevin Huang, Ellen, Janice, Jessica, Jeff, Annie, Wisely, Eason
Meeting Photos of Last Meeting:
內置圖片 1
Coming soon:"The life style in San Francisco" by Jessica on 11/7
Since food security like bomb explosion never stop, from farm to table seems a very good way to ensure food safety.

But how could we identity the material is grow up without pesticide?
How could we judge the can or deli food from super market is real" food" not poisoned San Francisco is the pioneer of agriculture city in U.S, people take the organic like their life style, not only seeking a stamp
*They are going to the farm market on the weekend to support "Fridley planting framer ".
*They visited “Shed” shopping and learning to support near mile food , in this modern place, you can have bunch in the morning , take cooking class or” hand work” in the afternoon ,packing weekend food before you go ,over80% product are from natural framing *They make appointment with “Art farm” to know how they growing the vegetable and fruit and experience farm lunch,   all of experience are unexpected.

People in here have implement 90 organic food in daily life? We may not need follow organic life,
But we can from eating option to protect our environment and health management.

14:00_14:00 warm up
14:15_15:00 The weekend life style in SF
                   The biggest farm market in down town
                   The most modern farm in Sonoma
                   The most beautiful farm in Half Moon Bay
15:00_15:30 Identify food and foodstuff
15:30_15:45 flower  arranging experience &Break
16:00_17:00 you can find natural planting farm in Taiwan ,

You can see the most beautiful view in Taiwan is farmer


1. 樹樂集 Treellage Life Cafe

    地址:台北市民族西路33號4樓,圓山捷運站 1號出口直走

步行約3分鐘, 民族西路與玉門街交接口, 一棟白色建築物.

2. 低消費用: 每人下午茶費用, 約200出頭.

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    Bliss English Club

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