Coming soon:"The News Room(2012~2014)" by Archer on 11/14
Review of Last Meeting
Jessica introduced the organic food in San Francisco, a big agriculture city in U.S, where people enjoy organic food. Not only organic food, but some things, like using recycled utensils to protect the environment. If you want to experience the farm life, you can even go there on the weekend or for 3 days trip. The farmers will prepare a lot of delicious organic cuisine, food introduction, and classes to let you realize how they plant organic food and how to cook. In the meantime, Jessica also introduced the organic food, restaurant, and accommodation when she traveled to Japan. In particular, Jessica’s mother and she have joined the flower arrangement class, each of them has to make the flower arrangement, and to explain the meanings for their flower arrangement. During the meeting, Jessica brought some flowers, leaves, and vases for small groups to get an idea on flower arrangement, and introduced the meaning of it. In addition, we celebrated Joyce’s birthday and enjoyed the birth cake. Thanks for Jessica’s information in terms of the farmer’s  life experience, if you feel bored in the city life, you can try to go to the countryside to experience a natural and healthy organic life style.

Host: Jessica
Participant: Ellen, Kevin Cheng, Ledi, Kevin Huang, Cindy, Joyce, Daniel Yang, Selina, Cherry, Stephanie
New Member: Jennifer, Leon, Ross, Kiyo
Meeting Photos of Last Meeting:

內置圖片 1

Coming soon:"The News Room(2012~2014)" by Archer on 11/14
Can you say why Taiwan is the greatest country in the world?

Real estate?
Can you say how Taiwan become the greatest country in the world?
We spent average 96 minutes to watch TV every day, what we saw in the end?
Do TV broadcasting feed us is what we need? Or all they consider is only rate?
We are always talking about professional, but what is the profession as a news 


1. 樹樂集 Treellage Life Cafe
地址:台北市民族西路33號5樓,圓山捷運站 1號出口直走, 
步行約3分鐘, 民族西路與玉門街交接口, 一棟白色建築物.
 (進入樹樂集餐廳裡, 請走樓梯上4樓)
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