

Dear Blissers, 


Let’s Welcome Teacher Dustin Craft on 3/19!!!


Never once in your lifetime should you have such a chance to explore the Social Networking World with the knowledgeable and articulate host,  Angel’s foreign friend, Dustin Craft. Now without further delay, step into Bliss Meeting!!!



 <Bliss Meeting > “The Impact of Social Media on Today's SocietyBy Dustin on 3/19


Host: Dustin


Topic: The Impact of Social Media on Today's Society.



1.Introduction, Opening stories, video, and general questions 2:30-3:00

2.What is social media? Different types 3:00-3:15

3.Discussion questions 3:15-3:45

-----15-minute break-------

4.Pros and Cons 4:00-4:30

5.Debate the limits of social media 4:30-5:00

6.Statistics, videos, and closing 5:00-5:30



**by Dustin Craft - English Teacher/Tutor


Review of “The fun of marathon - Start running, whenever or wherever you are” By Monika on 3/12


Host:  Monika


Subject:  The fun of marathon - Start running, whenever or wherever you are

Hostess: Monika.


Participants: Angela, Kelly, Jason, Daniel Chou, Bond, Kevin Huang, Ethan, Nania, Annie, Daniel Yang, Serina, Ellen, Vicky


New member: Lily, Elena

Here is meeting picture:

Lily’s picture:

Elena’s picture:


This week our beloved hostess, Monika, introduced Marathon to us. Can you image she has completed 8 marathons? Also, do you know how many marathons were held in Taiwan, in 2015? The answer is over 400. What an amazing fact!  Besides, we had another surprise – new member, Lily, was Annie’s student. What a coincidence!


Monika introduced the history of Marathon to us first, followed by 10 tips for beginning Marathoners, 10 Must-Haves for Marathon Runners and classic marathon races in Taiwan. Lastly, she shared us some pictures of her fantastic experiences in Tokyo marathon 2015, Kinman and other local memorable ones in Taiwan.


Here is the brief introduction:


The history of Marathon


The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometers (26.21875 miles, or 26 miles 385 yards), usually run as a road race. The event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens.


World Marathon majors


l  Founded 2006

l  6 annual races:

(Five 2006–2011, four 2012) for the cities of Tokyo (starting in 2013), Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York City (2006–11, 2013–present)

l  1 biennial race:

IAAF World Championships Marathon

l  1 quadrennial race:

Olympic Games Marathon      



10 Tips for Beginning Marathoners

1.    Keep a training log. Write down your daily mileage, run times, race distance and times, and how you feel.

2.    Increase weekly mileage by 10%. This allows for a gradual increase in mileage and reduces the risk of injury.

3.    Include a “cut back” week every third or fourth week of training. “Cut back” means reduce your mileage and use it as an easy week.

4.    Run 3 or 4 days a week. Include one long run, two shorter runs for speed and strength, and an optional easy recovery run day.

For speed, focus on your run pace one day a week by running slightly faster in short increments of time or distance.

For strength, include some hills one run each week.

Long runs are runs that increase your distance. Run these at a slow, comfortable pace, about 1 or 2 minutes per mile slower than your expected goal pace.

5.    Always alternate a hard day, with an easy day, or a day off.

6.    Always allow at least ONE day a week completely OFF for rest and recovery. Two days a week is OK, too!

7.    Monitor your resting heart rate.

8.    Consider cross-training one or two days a week to increase your aerobic conditioning without additional running. Swimming, cycling, or rowing is good options. Keep cross-training activities to 45 minutes 1 or 2 times a week, and do them at a very moderate intensity level.

9.    Consider adding strength training to your routine twice a week. This can be weight training, or a Pilates or Yoga class.

10.Always listen to your body. If you are tired, rest. If a workout feels hard, it is hard.



10 Must-Haves for Marathon Runners

1.    Shoes. The importance of picking the right shoes cannot be overstated for a marathon runner.

2.    Tracking device.

3.    Music.

4.    Headphones

5.    Hydration belt

6.    Athletic tape.

7.    Sun protection.

8.    Phone charger.

9.    Socks


Whatever you choose, remember to test it out on long runs so you don't have any surprises on marathon day.



Classic marathon races in Taiwan

1.    Tariku Gorge Marathon

2.    Kinmen Marathon

3.    Sinyi LuLuna Grape Marathon

4.    Tianzhong Marathon

5.    Taipei Marathon



1. 樹樂集 Treellage Life Cafe

地址:台北市民族西路334樓,圓山捷運站 1號出口直走步行約3分鐘, 民族西路與玉門街交接口, 一棟白色建築物. (進入樹樂集餐廳裡, 在櫃檯點餐時,請按旁邊告示牌指示, 走樓梯上4樓或 5)

2. 最低消費用: 每人下午茶費用, 140左右.




Education manager: Annie / Joe / Serina
Activity manager: Daniel / Vicky
Public relationship manager: Kevin Cheng

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