

Dear Blissers,


We had a full-house and enlightening meeting as expected on 3/19.  Overwhelming 25 Attendants!!! The successful credit goes to our supportive Teacher Dustin, sweet inviter Angel and dedicated staff. Want to know more ever-fulfilling meetings? Welcome to join us again next meeting on 4/9.


**Please kindly note: Spring outing on 3/26; No meeting on 4/2. 



 <Bliss Meeting Review> “The Impact of Social Media on Today's SocietyBy Dustin on 3/19



Host:  Dustin Craft


Subject:  Impact of social media


Participants: Ellen, Barkley, Cherry, Daniel Yang, Stanley Hsu, Sharon Wu, Ethan, Lillian, Christine, Ting, Annie, Jason, Monika, Kevin Cheng, Kevin Huang, Vicky, Serina, JT, Winnie, Jerry, Joe, Larne, Jeff, Patrick, Angel

New member: Lillian, Christine, Jerry, Laren



Angel meeting photo:


 Lilian picture:


Christine picture:


Jerry’s picture:


Lanren’s picture:


Due to popularity of smart phones, social media had changed our lifestyle and influenced our daily life. Last Sat, we are very lucky to invite Angel’s friend Dustin to introduce social media’s usages and impacts.



Based on definition, social media involves the use of internet to connect users to friends, family, acquaintances, and businesses. Dustin introduced us different platforms of social media, such as FB, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, snapshot…etc. Then we were divided into groups to discuss what the most useful social media is. Most groups agreed “line” is most beneficial tool. Patrick’s group chose “LinkedIn” as most useful tool for career and business connection.



After we had concepts of social media, Dustin used two stories to show us the positive and negative impact of social media. Success kid “Sam” used the power of social media to get kidney transplant for his father. On the contrary, the teenager “Joshua” committed suicide due to cyber bullying from social media. These opposite results reminded us we should use social media more carefully.



As Dustin presented, social medias are helpful in following aspects:


1.         Information-It’s easier to get information and appealing to the youth.


2.         Socialization-It’s more efficient to share culture, customs, and ideologies with one another.


3.         Relationships-More connections through social media. It’s more feasible for long distance relationships.


4.         Politics-Using social media can help political candidates to gain more support from public and easier to reach young generation.


5.         Business-Learn more about customers and reach more customers. Increase sales through customer’s review.


However, social media can be harmful and destructive when used irresponsibly. Dustin played an interesting video to show negative impact of privacy right. He summarized negative impacts and shared some solutions as below:



1.         Hacking- Always lock your computer and log off your social platforms to prevent hacking. Use different passwords for each social platform. Protect your identity at all cost.


2.         Lack of awareness-Be consciously aware of our surroundings when we use social media.


3.         Lack of interpersonal communication- Social media should never be a substitute for interpersonal communication. Use face- to- face interaction if it’s possible.


4.         Falsified sense of fulfillment- We should physically make changes instead of using “likes” as contribution.


5.         Depression- No needs to be dependent upon the approval of others through “likes” and comments.


6.         Cyber Bullying-Be careful about your comments on social media.


7.         Addiction-Don’t stick on social media too much to impact your daily life.


In the end, we shared our own experiences about positive or negative impacts of social media. We enjoyed the discussion and brain storming about Dustin’s questions. The most important of all, we learned how to use social media in valuable and safer ways. Thanks for Dustin’s brilliant introduction.  





1. 樹樂集 Treellage Life Cafe

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2. 最低消費用: 每人下午茶費用, 140左右.




Education manager: Annie / Joe / Serina
Activity manager: Daniel / Vicky
Public relationship manager: Kevin Cheng

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