Have you used online shopping?
It has already prevailed in every aspect of our lives and become a strong power that we could never neglect, for the secret of which J.T. will lead us to unveil this Saturday!!!
Feel curious?
Come and join us to be cutting-edge shoppers today!!!
Date: Oct 15, 2016
Host: JT
Did you notice E-commerce change our life unconsciously? Or you can't help
browsing/sliding the on-line shop once a day?
I will introduce the E-commerce basic theory, how did it rise in Taiwan and
do some simple discussions.
Welcome to share your opinions or experience with us.
14:30-14:50 Ice Breaking and self-introduction
14:50-16: 00 1.Why can E-Commerce rise in Taiwan? 2. E-Commerce basic theory
16:00-16:10 Break
16:10-17:30 O2O and conclusion
Recap of <What could you do in Japan?> by Sophia on Oct. 1, 2016
Hostess: Sophia
Topic: “What could you do in Japan?”
Participants: Sophia, Sharon, Daniel, Jeff and Annie
Meeting Photo:
Sophia conducted the meeting smoothly as usual. We started to share the travel experiences in other countries including Japan, which inspired us to plan ahead of next travel.
Highly-recommended places
Each place in Japan is unique for its noted people, things, or events, among which are geisha, kenroku-en, yukada parade in Gion Festival in Kyoto, Sen Rikyu for traditional Japanese tea culture, kelp (or laminaria japonica) in Hokkaido, Cherry blossom in Tokyo, and so on.
Where to stay?
Sophia made best of searching the net for her free homestay during the summer vacation, such as Hippo family: https://zh-tw.facebook.com/jpfreehomestay, which is a language exchange club, orhttps://www.couchsurfing.com/. Jeff and others suggested B&B or some luxurious hot spring resort at price of 3000 yen per night could be also good choices.
Suggested Period to visit
Japan exposed its beauty during different periods in certain regions typical of cultural cultivation, architectural aesthetics, naturalistic beauty or savory tastes, for which they are worthwhile to visit at specific time and places!!!
Sophia experienced the shopping in local supermarkets named Lawson, first store called Owson, the household supplies of which are both abundant and various.
Before Travel
It will boost our happiness if we study the related historical background, culture, architecture before going to Japan.
Last but not the least, watch the Cherry Blossom during the peak season in March or April once in a life time at higher cost but with remarkable experiences in return.
Thank Sophia and all the participants for the participation and efforts. Through the discussion, we learned it was never too late to travel at home or aboard. The meeting certainly echoed the theme of “Carpe Diem” in Bliss!!
1. 樹樂集 Treellage Life Cafe
地址:台北市民族西路33號4樓,圓山捷運站 1號出口直走, 步行約3分鐘, 民族西路與玉門街交接口, 一棟白色建築物. (進入樹樂集餐廳裡, 在櫃檯點餐時,請按旁邊告示牌指示, 走樓梯上4樓或 5樓)
2. 最低消費用: 每人下午茶費用, 約140左右.