My Dear Blissers,
Bliss hosts have been trying to sharpen our senses to appreciate and make the world a better place, for which our shy but determined host, Ken endeavors to tell us HOW !! !
Eager to know his new perspectives?
Find it out yourselves with Ken this Saturday!!!
Meeting Day: 10/22
Host: Ken Huang
Topic: “Let the world become a better place because of you”
Meeting Agenda:
14:30 ~ 14:50 |
Self-introduction |
14:50 ~ 15:30 |
Let the world become better place because of you. l Article Reading L Sharing any issue you knew to impact the world. |
15:30 ~ 16:10 |
Story Sharing l Article Reading L Sharing any love story you knew to let friend, family, society or world better. |
16:10 ~ 16:30 |
Break Time |
16:30 ~ 17:30 |
Group discussion L Each group presents us your ideas or actions to let the world better. L Each group presents a slogan to promote your ideas. L Select a winner for best idea and awarding.
Recap of Bliss Meeting <How E-Commerce Changed our lives?” by J.T. on Oct. 15.
Hostess: J.T.
Participants: Angel, Daniel, Vicky, Burt, Annie, Angela, Serina, Stone, Cindy, Jessica Huang, Ethan
New member: Cindy, Jessica, Stone
Your E-Commerce Experiences?
At the beginning, J. T. asked us 3 questions to share the experience of on line shopping and introduce some frequently-surfed shopping e-tails .Surprisingly, we found only one Blisser did not have such experience, for which everyone gave more examples and tips to encourage her. Then JT told us the popular E-Commerce and used some charts to analyze the trend of E-commerce. She summarized main reasons why E commerce is growing rapidly, as below,
Strength of E-Commerce:
1. Internet & WIFI become more and more popular
2. Cloud Service is developed.
3. Product-E commerce can offer better variety than physical channels
4. Promotion- Viral Marketing is expanding soon.
5. Price-Operating cost reduction makes the price more competitive.
6. Delivery speed and reliability is better.
7. Physical and Virtual channels are integrated.
Comparison between Physical Store & E-Commerce:
JT showed us various charts to illustrate the power of viral marketing and some interesting videos of Uber and Air B & B. Stone and Cindy shared their using experience of Uber which were followed by exciting and interesting discussions. Based on promotion Ads of Buy+, we can shop in 3D virtual world and feel the quality of products in future. What amazing shopping experience is!
In the end, JT highlighted some challenges which sellers and government need to face and deal with.
1. Consumer become smarter-Consumers are more sensitive with price and product’s quality. We’re also being cautious about on-line safety.
2. Physical and Virtual simultaneously exist-Physical channels need to integrate virtual shopping and offer better service to compete other E tails.
3. Government has to support EC: Government has responsibility to help traditional industries to transfer to catch up EC trend. Policy needs to meet current needs under complete consideration.
1. J.T.’s meeting was both convincing with lots of data and smooth mixing with in-depth Q & A, so the participants felt comfortable to answer and discussed thoroughly.
2. Customers’ Survey-- people say, “The biggest room in the world is “Improvement.” Experienced but humble hostess, J.T. demonstrated this by her innovative “Customers’ Survey”, namely “Participants’ Feedback” for her next potential topic choices!!!
3. “Winners’ Prize”-- J. T. prepared beautifully-self-packaged bouquets and wonderful coupons for winners. How sweet she is!
4. Thanks for JT’s logical and fruitful introduction of E-commerce. We did learn a lot of new things and highly expect her Next Meeting near in the future.
1. 樹樂集 Treellage Life Cafe
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