<Bliss Coming-Soon Poster in May>
My Dear Blissers,
How to define “Bliss Meetings in May”?
I would say it is a “Refreshing Month”
To bird view the mountain nature in Taiwan!
To showcase the beauty in the world!
Let’s “Carpe Diem” at Bliss as follows:
Date: May 6, 2017
Host: Wisely
Topic: Because it is there~ The mountains in Taiwan
Date:May 20, 2017
Host: Ellen Huang
Topic: The 30th Anniversary of Orsay Museum Exhibition
2017 Bliss Staff :
Bliss 2017 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meeting date: 4/1, 4/29,5/13,5/27,6/3,8/5,9/30,10/7,12/16,12/23,12/30
Outing: 3/25 (Q1), 6/24 (Q2), 9/23 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/9
Bliss New Meeting Place: 國王飯店一樓咖啡廳:台北市南京東路1段118號。中山捷運2號出口;從南京西路往南京東路走585公尺,約7分鐘即達。低消NT$120,餐點加一成服務費,下午贈蛋糕一個。