My dear Blissers,




How long ago did you feel the pathos to write?


How long ago did you want to persuade, entertain, or inform people, or your beloved one(s)?


This coming Saturday, Annie is going to host a small study group (expectedly not more than eight Blissers ) to realize “Love” by making cake and poems in a learner-friendly way!


Please don’t take your language comprehension as a barrier to express “Love” because your heart is what matters!


Welcome to experience “Love” with a pen/paper/water cup and a heart on 6/17!


Introduction by Annie:


Theme of the week: “Love”, which everyone always has something to say because


“Love” is deeper than the sea, higher than the sky, broader than the earth..


“Love” can be varied

1.     in ages such as love in the childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middle-age, older-age,

2.     or in stages such as before/after marriage, empty- nest period,

3.     or in mindsets such the ambiguity before love, unrequited love, the sweetness in love, the sorrow, suffering after losing love..

4.     or in scopes from personal to humanitarian ones like the society, mankind


But the basic of “Love” remains the same in its uniqueness and originality



1.     1430-1445 cake making

2.     1445-1545 Structure (Form and Rhyming scheme)

3.     1545-1600 break

4.     1600-1700 Meaning (idea and expression)

5.     1700-1720 Poem writing (raw material supplied)

6.     1720-1730 Presentation & meeting adjournment



*Also kindly note: This Saturday’s Meeting Place will be shifted to東豐喜藝文空間, 師大路6813TOHOHI Arts Corner at Exit 3 Taipower MRT Station, addressed at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of drink either coffee or tea, the detailed location of which is attached.



Recap of “"Actions You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution “by Kurt on 6/10

Date: June 10, 2017

Host: Kurt

Participants: Kurt (host), Steven, Annie, Ellen Huang, Daniel Yang, Michael, JC Su


Meeting Photo:


The Island-wide Conference in Bliss Taipei

Our host, Kurt Lin all the way from Taichung, attendants like Annie from Yi-lan, and Steven from Hsin-Chu , the others like Ellen, Daniel, JC and Michael in Taipei all got together and joined the meeting on 6/10 .


1.     Group Discussion


Discuss about the experiences of pollution in air, noise, soil, buildings and preventive measures you know:


After the heated discussion, we concluded that the air pollution is the most difficult and broad to control and were very upset about our law regulation always fails to catch up with the speed of the damages the pollution caused because the fine is much less than the “recovery of the situation”.  So the only way we can leave a “green place” to our further generations is only through our own efforts.


2.     Devil’s advocate played by Michael:


(1)   How to arouse “awareness “from those such as “dink” or destined “single” who are not necessarily concerned about the environment.

(2)   Pessimistic about the so-called “bright future” promise even with our full efforts.


3.     “Under The Dome” on YouTube


Astonishing and persuasive enough for us to take actions because a “city “like Peiping without industries and chimneys can be strongly affected by PM2.5 damaging our respiratory and other organs followed by various types of cancers.


4.     Romain Lacombe at Plume Labs in Ted Talk

Solutions to the related air pollution:

(1)   Democracy in products by affordability

(2)   Democracy in information by accessibility and open data


5.     Emission Source-tracking Sensor –One of the answers to Point 4


A. (1). User-friendly in setting- up & carrying and affordable at/about NT$2000

(2). Sensitive enough to detect the pollution rate/ area/danger

(3). Updating information hourly


B. Later approaches to be improved:

(1)   Can be combined with cellphones to be “Live” and “real-time”

(2)   Used as an open evidence to suit or fine the violators causing pollution if the violating criteria made.


6.     More information References:

(1)   FB by Kurt Bu-ching Lin (the host)

(2)   Greenpeace Association:; 

(3)   The Taiwan Homemakers Union Consumer Cooperative:

(4)   TCRT :


7.     Reflections:

It was a very resourceful and informative meeting ever attended, for which we thanked very much for Kurt’s efforts and the participants’ feedback. It successfully brought us environmental awareness and considered some possible measures, which hopefully can be spread widely via this RECAP!!!



President: Ellen Huang
Education manager: Daniel Chen/Annie / Johnson
Activity manager: J.C./Alisa
Public relationship manager: Barkley


Bliss 2017 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday

No meeting date: 5/13,5/27,6/3,8/5,9/30,10/7,12/16,12/23,12/30 

Outing: 3/25 (Q1), 6/24 (Q2), 9/23 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/9

Bliss New Meeting Place:東豐喜藝文空間, 師大路6813號  TOHOHI Arts Corner at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of drink either coffee or tea. 

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    Bliss English Club

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