

Date: Nov. 25, 2017

Host: Uncle Ting Lee

Topic: “Recap of Chapter I & III in the Art of War”


Participants: Uncle Ting, Ellen Huang, Annie, Fox, Daniel Chen, Yves Nan, J.C.., Water Wu,Barkeley


Meeting photo:  
New Blisser - Yves Nan 


Meeting started

Host, Uncle Ting arrived earlier and started the meeting as scheduled.


Background of “The Art of War”


It is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC to help some ambitious leaders to beat the other competing kingdoms and become the only emperor of a united country.


The Spreading of “The Art of War”


The first translation from Chinese to French was done by a missionary named Jean Joseph Marie Amiot in 1772; the first well-known annotated translation from Chinese to English was published in 1910 by Lionel Giles.


Legend of “Application of the Art of War “by Sun Tze himself


To manifest the “discipline” in Chapter I, with King Wu”s permission and his own strict demand, Sun Tze victoriously turned the giggling loosely-governed “royal maids” into an organized well-trained troop!


Chapter I: five factors needs deliberation before the war


1.       <Why/What: Moral law(cause)> : goal; reason; vision; mission

2.       <When>: weather; climate; heaven;

3.       <Where>: geography; environment; earth

4.       <Who>: (Who: leaders; General/chairperson, executive officers, working staff ), (屬下whom: civilians, serviced clients/ customers; subordinates)

5.       <How>: methods; discipline, chain of command ,logistics



Internal Conditions:

{What/why}, {Who/whom} and {how} can be maneuvered



owns “five” gifted leadership features like“wisdom”, “trust-worthiness”  “benevolence”,  “courage”  “perseverance in discipline” which suffice him to weigh over  ”when”  “where”  “How” and 屬下 “whom” for right decision-making .



“Who” needs to justify “why to start the war” and define “what the “war” means here” to retrieve “morale-consensus” or “cause-commitment” from “whom” for building up a single entity, unitedness, dedication or sacrifice.


{How} :

The War panoramic management, the methods to win: the chain of command; the fighting tempo speedy or slow; attack styles in sparse ambushes or all-out combats; the hierarchical commanding systems vertical or horizontal ; logistics like cash flow, stock management,distribution and transport


External conditions:


{When} & {where} can’t be controlled but overcome!


Warfield might proceed in high or low lands, narrow or wide paths, far away or nearby locations, dangerous swaps or safe gorges; or occur in varied seasonal constraints like day or night. cold or hot, rainy or snowy conditions.


To sum up, Chapter I suggests:


“Who” needs careful estimates before starting a war because the Warfare is a matter of life and death, costly and destructive!!!


Chapter III Strategy further elaborates:


The best policy in “the Art of War” is not to start “fighting” by any means!!!


The best result is to win but “remain the whole state, army, brigade, division, unit “whole and intact” at any cost!!!


Yes, but how?


1.      Dodge direct encounter with enemies; create “blue- sea market” as its niche.


Ex.1: Yamaha invented “automatic piano” another device to invite new markets.


Ex.2: Coffee machine makers invented “capsule coffee machine” creating a new trend.


Ex.3: “Darlie Toothpaste” changes its extruding size; using “political correct logo”; even create another seeming competitor “Colgate” to stand out profitably in the staggering markets.


2.      Subdue Enemies before their attacks


Ex.1. Kong Ming, a wise strategist in Three Kingdoms, dramatized “Empty City Plan” which triumphantly exempted the castle/city from the crisis!!!


Ex.2 The USA efficiently relieved Russian- schemed Cuban missile crisis within 13 days without fights.


Ex.3 In family application, Uncle Ting softly reminded, “Subdue Enemies before their attack” means to empathize the counterpart in a warm-felt climate as “home” is never a “Warfield”.


Other related info:


關公The Saint of War, Lord Guan; Guan Yu, invented Book-keeping System so as to  control logistics well.



We appreciated so much Uncle Ting’s resourceful and informative meeting, from which we not only learned the everlasting value of “The Art of War” but also the historic and modern applications. One or two meetings are not enough for us to grasp “The Art”, for which we look forward to Uncle Ting’s next meeting and more participants’ case studies soon~~~



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