<Bliss Meeting Notice: No Meeting on Feb. 2, Feb. 9, 2019 > & Recap 0126
Dear Blissers,
Congratulations on the coming Pig Year!
Best wishes on Good Fortunes,Tidings and what you eager for…
Love from Bliss Staff
Please kindly note:
There is no meeting on Feb.2, and Feb. 9, 2019
We will have the meeting by Eric on the topic of “An Overview on Housing Market based on the Prediction on Taiwan Demographic” on Feb. 16, 2019 at 14:30~17:30東豐喜藝文空間, TOHOHI Arts Corner with Minimum charge: NT$150 per person with a cup of drink (Coffee or Tea ) at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, 師大路68巷13號, Near Exit 3台電大樓 MRT station Welcome!
Recap of “Engaging in to Win Surprise” by Mike Young on Jan. 26, 2019
Date: Jan. 26, 2019
Host: Mike Young
Topic: “Engaging in to Win Surprise”
Attendees: Ellen, Angel, Uncle Ting, Daniel Chen, Annie, Winnie, Stanley, Aaron, Casey, Diana, Monika, Kevin, Carmelo, Anita
Meeting Photo: https://photos.app.goo.gl/A5e1xynoiZj17vNK6
Historic “Forum” began:
Today’s host, Mike, the brilliant Toast Master and Bliss PHD (Pizza Hut Deliver) very humorously demonstrated what a successful meeting would look like~
Before the “Forum”
Promotion of his own: Eye-catching Posters, on-line registration, world-concerned Issue together with thought-provoking “Guided Questions”, the last-minute Call-up Line Messages.
During the “Forum”
First Part: Jazz Up
- Joke spurs: The first one is skillfully made up of the rhyming words like wedding, suffering, onion ring, engagement ring to offer a relaxing atmosphere.
- Pair-up: It successfully activates the attendees to introduce each other with adjectives. Everyone speaks up!
- Learning Tips- be Warrior not Worrier; to be Proactive (Search or Google the scheduled topic), Active (Output orally and writing your Inputs which is your listening and reading) and Reactive (respond to whatever encounter in English)>Ego taken down>Born to be heard!
- To share is to learn: That echoes the ultimate goal of Bliss: Learning by Doing; apply English skills to explore the world and enrich Blissers’ lives!>In any Community>Teacher vs. Mentor>Employee VS. Entrepreneur>all Raise the bar
- Goal-approaching~Maximize your Profit (Optimize the choices) (1) Drive to be better (2) Self-motivated (3) committed (4) Take initiatives (5) Apply and Reflect
>All will win making the team stronger
Second Part: Coffee Corner: Q & A: Who will win US or China?
Mike Young explained in the meeting
- Background of USSR collapse
- China Syndrome (1) Trade revenue 50K/biz down (2) Housing bubbles daunting (3) 4 Trillion ship out (4) Jobless rate (5) Grads without jobs (6) Largest debt holder of USA (7) Economy Stagnates (8) Consumer buying fall-off (9) 45% budgeted into infrastructure (10) Hardly stay afloat (11) Currency Control (12)Real-estate bubble burst
- China Continued... (1) 1994~1999 fired 30M workers (2) Stagnating for 20 years (3) Nepotism & corruption (4) Glasnost (5) Military expense drained tons of resources (6) Propaganda-driven (7) modify a little free market. Nevertheless, the negative news is never released to the public.
Then, he guided all the attendees to express their viewpoints about the “Trade War” with open answers as follows:
- China requested the importers of the intellectual information transfer in lack of Trade –equity with other countries. “One Belt one Road” is constructed because China wanted to export their over-produced construction materials. Hopefully it will give China a lesson and trigger some changes in them.
- It is sad that Democracy System cannot be operated in China because all its continuing prosperity will solely depends on how wise leadership the China Communist Party may choose from.
- The USA tariff on Chinese imports turns out to be backfires to it. For one thing, the importer will pay the transferring- trade cost, and for another, the issue will evoke Chinese nationalism and thus resist the USA-made products.
- The sad reality like swine flu, high mortgage, bad debts, and unemployment rate is never released.
- In face of such Trade War, Taiwan needs to learn how to defend oneself and survive.
Bhutan, Hidden Country inside Asia: Happier or Happiest
- Search for GNH short for Gross National Happiness! Famous for the Carbon-negative forests occupying three fourth of the land.
- In regard of the “Happiest” Country: Bhutan is listed as top 80 while Taiwan is listed as 38. Mike pointed out that actually “Happiness” is ranked according to the viewers’ mindsets, not the figures on the board!
Part III Who is “Active, Proactive, Reactive” Person of the Day (Bliss)?
Our Host Mike was so generous that he gave away 14 light load Towers to all the attendees and 3 prizes to the winners of the day! How resourceful the meeting is! Thank you, Mike~
We appreciate so much for Mike’s efforts and dedication to engage all the Blissers in the forum so as to enforce our hosting and speaking skills. We look forward to his Next Meeting soon! Stay tune!
Bliss English Club for Communication & Conducting Skills since 1997
Bliss Blog : http://blisstaipei520.pixnet.net/blog/post/212900702
Bliss FB : https://www.facebook.com/bliss.taipei
Bliss 粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/bliss1997/
Picasa: https://plus.google.com/101726755048448689917/photos
2019 Bliss Staff :
President (P): Ellen Huang cbad5@yahoo.com.tw
Education manager (EM): Annie Hsu taipei9713318@gmail.com
Vice Education Manager(VEM)/Daniel Chen jenkai.chen@msa.hinet.net
Public Relationship Manager(PRM): Winnie Tu toto7683@gmail.com
Bliss 2019 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meetings:1/19,2/2;2/9; 2/23; 3/2; 4/6; 4/27; 5/11;6/8,7/6; 8/3; 8/31; 9/14; 10/5; 10/12; 11/23, 12/14,12/28
Outings:Q1- 3/30; Q2- 6/29; Q3- 11/2
In 2019, Blissers are going to read and discuss the following 4 books together, please sign up to this google registration form if you feel like to read and discuss any of the books below together with other Blissers in 2019
Venue: 東豐喜藝文空間, TOHOHI Arts Corner with Minimum charge: NT$150 per person with a cup of drink (Coffee or Tea )Address: No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, 師大路68巷13號, Near Exit 3台電大樓 MRT station