My dear Blissers,
Please kindly Note: Time: 14:30~17:30 Venue: Minami Zephyr 小南風B1 This Saturday’s Venue is shifted to minami zephyr 小南風@師大路68巷9號 B1, next to東豐喜, NT$80 for the venue fee only not available for drink or meal offer which the attendees feel free to bring from their end but with the self-disposal of possible trash or leftover! Venue information: |
Are you ever intoxicated in Tibet?
Its Intriguing political status, Tibet autonomous Region, Dalai Lama’s Exile?
Mysterious religious belief~ reincarnation?
Its Tibetan Plateau scenery or Potala palace?
If any of the above answers is YES, you are the right one to this coming Saturday’s meeting by David, a young and knowledgeable Blisser!
Introduction by David:
Have you ever been to Tibet? Do you know there are two Tibet in the world?
Before I took a trip to Tibet in 2018 Nov, all I know about Tibet is the famous part internationally such as beautiful landscape located in high altitude, Potala palace, mysterious and special Tibetan Buddhism. I watched several news reported that Dalai Lama could not return to Tibet, and In Tibet many of Lama burned themselves to protest against China. Tibet seems to be under oppression from China, but I don’t know why it happened. I want to go to Tibet for experiencing their culture before it disappeared. After the trip, I have highly interest in Tibet so I study some data. Now I know that there are two Tibet governments in the world, one is the province-level autonomous region of China, the other one is the administration in exile led by Dalai Lama, which is still fighting for freedom and survival against China in this modern world. Tibet has tragic history and complex political issue in the world. This coming Saturday I'm going to share what I learned from the trip to Tibet, and let us think about Taiwan through Tibet experience.
Please Note here: Prior to the meeting, please prepare the guided questions and video clips for the in-depth discussion, the most rewarding part during the meeting!
60 years after exile, Tibetans face a fight for survival in a post-Dalai Lama world
# Questions to discuss from this article
- In the article, The Dalai Lama says he no longer seeks an independent Tibet, only its cultural autonomy==> Is this refer to 17 points &treaty they signed with China? Why did Dalai Lama turn to seek for only cultural autonomy instead of independence? Was it out of practical reason (expected higher possibility) or some philosophical, religious reason? What belief does Dalai Lama share to them now that the humble request had also been turned down by Communist China?
And, what is the goal of Tibetan govt-in-exile, an independent Tibet or cultural autonomy as Dalai Lama seeks for?
- “In 2011, in a move to democratize the Tibetan government-in-exile, the Dalai Lama gave up his political and administrative powers to become just a spiritual leader ‘ è So how does the Tibetans in-exile elect their political leader and how does the democracy system work there?
- "India is sensing Tibet's appeal in the West is decliningӏ Is it true &why?
- Ultimately, current” geopolitics” is what matters most for India. China is vastly more powerful than it was 60 years ago, and India takes a pragmatic view of the relationship -- an approach that could have a cost for the interests of exiled Tibetans.
- So what is “geopolitics” exactly refers to here? And what cost it would be for the interests of exiled Tibetans maybe?
5. "The current Indian stand towards the Tibetans is based on its relationship with the Dalai Lama," è Do you agree such statement? If not, what’s the Indian’s stand toward Tibetans?
- Will the "seemingly never-ending" dispute on boundaries between India and China a guarantee for India's support to Tibetan government-in-exile? What impact is anticipated to the Tibetan government-in-exile after India's recent move to end the 70-year autonomy of the State of Jammu and Kashimire, which intensifies the India-China relation?
(ref. )
The recommended books for your more reference:
達賴喇嘛自傳 – 流亡中的自有
1959 拉薩! – 達賴喇嘛如何出走
# agenda 14:30 - 14:40 Self-Introduction 14:40 - 15:00 My Tibet tour in 2018 Nov. 15:00 - 16:00 Tibet's fight for survival 16:00 - 16:10 Break 16:10 - 17:00 China's credibility gap - promise to Tibet - promise to Hong Kong 17:00 - 17:30 - Question and discussion : What can we learn from history for Taiwan
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2019 Bliss Staff :
President (P): Ellen Huang
Education manager (EM): Annie Hsu
Vice Education Manager(VEM)/Daniel Chen
Public Relationship Manager(PRM): Winnie Tu
Bliss 2019 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meetings:1/19,2/2;2/9; 2/23; 3/2; 4/6; 4/27; 5/11;6/8,7/6; 8/3; 8/31; 9/14; 10/5; 10/12; 11/23, 12/14,12/28
Outings:Q1- 3/30; Q2- 6/29; Q3- 11/2
In 2019, Blissers are going to read and discuss the following 4 books together, please sign up to this google registration form if you feel like to read and discuss any of the books below together with other Blissers in 2019
Venue: 東豐喜藝文空間, TOHOHI Arts Corner with Minimum charge: NT$150 per person with a cup of drink (Coffee or Tea )Address: No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, 師大路68巷13號, Near Exit 3台電大樓 MRT station