目前分類:Bliss in 2010 (44)

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Dear Bliss members,


Last week we learned a famous financial game, Cash Flow Game. We divided into two groups, each 4 to 5 participants, to compete for the first financially freed person. In the end, our new comer, Belle, won the game. She’s quite intelligent and knew how to manager her money to get free financial position. Thanks Jenny, Sanli, Paula, Mengta, Angel, Joey, Elise, Vicky, Annie, Belle, Catherin, Olivia and Barkley for your coming.


We’re glad to inform you that this Saturday we invite an English teacher for Canada , Joseph Moore to be our host. He is going to talk about the English literature.  Don’t miss the chance to talk to native English speaker.  I’ll forward the meeting agenda to you once I get it from Joseph.


Please also be noted that the meeting place for this week is at 品客咖啡.



Best Regards,




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Dear Bliss members,


Last Saturday Joey introduced a very interesting English word game – scrabble to us. It’s so challenging that we played it over and over again till 8 o’clock that evening. I learned a lot of words from the game, and we made it a deal to play it again in near future. Do you want to challenge your English vocabulary? Cram more English words and try it with us.  


Thanks Elise, Stephanie, Sanli, Owen, Nelly, and Michael Huang for your participation.  Photo Link: http://picasaweb.google.com/ilovebliss.taipei/WordGameScrabbleByJoeyJuly10th#


This week Barkley will lead us play a classical financial game – cash flow game.  It’s a game that players could learn how to manager their own money and keep their financial situation becoming stronger. If you want to know how to get rich in real life, and how to keep your balance sheet and income statement always balanced, welcome to join us.





2. Tools:  1.Electronic Calculator 2.Pencial  3.Eraser (必備工具)

3. Dress code: Rich man or woman like 


Are you a rich man or woman ?    Money is good or evil thing ?   

We deal with money every day and all our life

Money is important  (as I known even in the Bible there are over 2,500

 paragraphs talking  about money )


What you learn from money things ?

Agree or not one’s heart (behavior) is highly related with money

You are the lord of money or the money is your lord ? 


Its not a Yes-No Question 

In this coming 17, July Meeting “ CASH FLOW “

We’ll have cell group team game to learn about this issue

And share experience with others.




Time table

02:00 ~02:15 welcome

02:15~02:20 here comes the Cashier and the banker

02:15~02:45 some thing about Game Rules

02:45~03:45 1 st Game time

03:45~03:55 break

03:55~04:55 2 nd Game time   

04:55~05:30 sharing time


Bankers & Cashiers : Mengta Olivia & Millie  

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Dear all blissers,


Last week Patrick taught us a lot of presentation skills from Steve Jobs speeches.  Steve Jobs is a really good speaker, audience are always captivated by his speeches.  I think those skills are really useful for all of us.  We also used those skills to do some presentation practice. I’d like to share with you some of the key points that one should take into account when preparing presentations.


n   Headline

n   Passion statement

n   Three key messages

n   Metaphors and analogies

n   demonstration


Thanks Millie, Sanli, Paula, Vivian, Elise, Joey, Barkley, and Michael Huang for your coming. Photo Link: http://picasaweb.google.com/ilovebliss.taipei/ThePresentationSecretsOfSteveJobsByPatrickJuly3rd#


This week Joey would like to invite us to a nice restaurant and play some word game – scrabble!  The following meeting agenda, including the address information, is from Joey.


Do Not Go To 品客咖啡 this week!!



Best Regards,





BLISS ENGLISH CLUB    Meeting notice of July 10th, 2010

Meeting Place

莉蓮餐飲 (Lily Café’) : 內湖B&Q, 內湖燦坤大樓正對面



Meeting Time

14:00 ~ 17:30


Joey Chen

Contact no.



Word Game - Scrabble!


Scrabble is a word game that anybody can play as long as they can spell in the language in which the game is being played. The game is intended to be played by between two and four players. If more than four people are available, they can either team up. We will experience both Individual and Group competition in the meeting.

To begin with, each player draws seven tiles from the bag. The first player makes a word from any or all of their letters and places it on the board, beginning, ending or crossing the central square and replaces the used tiles with a corresponding number of tiles from the bag. Subsequently, players take turns to create a new word (thereby building a crossword on the board), attempting to score as many points as possible.

If you have never ever played Scrabble, this is a meeting you will not miss for sure. If you have practiced Scrabble, this is even a great chance to evaluate yourself.

1400 ~ 1430

Warm-up & Scrabble Introduction

1420 ~ 1440

Demonstration & practice

1450 ~ 1550


1550 ~ 1600

Final round list

1600 ~ 1730


路線資訊: 公車 204, 518, 552, 63, 2, 26, 7 “新湖三路口站牌下車。



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Dear all blissers,


Last Saturday we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon party in Stephanie’s luxurious house in Beitou and had a great and tasty dinner in Lily’s Restaurant where Elise led us to. We had lots kinds of food the whole day, and played a really interesting psychological game called ‘KILLER’.  I’d been killed many times and still unable to find out the killers, ha.  Thanks Stephanie, Willy, Annie, Elise, Joey, Barkley, Fox, Ellen, ㄍㄨㄢˋ強, Karl, Olivia, Page, Kathy, Angela, Owen and Nelly for your participation. Please have a look at our outing photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/ilovebliss.taipei/2ndOutingOf2010#



This week our senior member, Patrick, is going to host for us. The following message is from him.


Please also be noted that starting from this Saturday, 牿嶺街小劇場 is no longer available for meeting. We will change the meeting place to 品客咖啡. Here’s the address information: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss/13131656








Dear Blissers,


This week I am going to introduce the very outstanding way of Jobs' presentation. Perhaps you have already witnessed the sensational, dramatic  presentation performed by Jobs whether in introducing iPod, MacBook, iPhone, or any stunning or revolutionary Apple products. 


Book Quote:

Steve Jobs is the most captivating iPhone communicator on the world stage. No one else comes close. A Jobs presentation unleashes a rush of dopamine into the brains of his audience. Some people go to great lengths to get this hit, even spending the night in freezing temperatures to ensure the best seat at one of his speeches.


We will watched some spectacular Job's presentation and speeches, and some of them are rarely published. Moreover, we will share bunches of presentation skills and have group competition of presentations.


Wanna play Steve Jobs and polished your presentation skills? Here we have a chance!


Best Regards,




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Dear Blissers, we find a nice and new place for 2010 meeting! 
From July-3  2010 we will meet new places in
品客經典咖啡 B1

品客經典咖啡地址 : 台北市大安區雲和街 48-1B1 

TEL :   02-23691264 

注意事項 現場只提供水,飲料,餐點請自費若要攜帶外食,也麻煩大家吃完垃圾要帶走唷

Every Saturday 2:00-5:30PM (We don't have meeting during national holidays, please check our meeting calendar)
每週六 2:00-5:30 (我們在國定假日及前後可能會沒有meeting,請看我們的行事曆)

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Hi Blissers,

Last Saturday Jessica told us lots of etiquettes in meals. Jessica is a quite experienced teacher and has been delivering lectures in many public occasions.  We learned how do host and guests sit on correct positions, how do food and drink be served and how to tell waiters and waitresses something through napkins and folks.  Thanks Iris, Sanli, Elise, Joey, Mahatma, Ellen, Karl, Dianna, Amy, Fox, and Barkley for coming.


Next week is the second outing of this year. Our education manager, Stephanie, will hold a party for us in her house. We’ll make a visit of her luxurious house and enjoy our afternoon tea and snacks and play some games.  Please see the following Stephanie’s invitation.





Dear My Bliss friends ,

   It is my pleasure to invite you to come to my house on this 6/26 Sat . We are starting from 12:00 to 18:00pm .
If you were coming, pls arrange for one food, let share together. After that we can enjoy watch movie,  table tennis ( ping -pong ) , and billiards . 
 1.  we  meet 11:00 am- 11:30 am at
北投 Mrt , and then we will take bus ( 6 ) at 11:40am
to my house.
 ( if you are late , we will not wait . pls on time ).

2.  If you want to drive car. I will attach my address map. it is easy to parking .
my address is
台北市北投區翠宜路46 3 F
3. If you want to join  us pls let me know (before 6/24 Thursday   12:00 am ) and  send email for me
hong.wenfei@msa.hinet.net  phone number : 0928216175

Thank for your understanding !!

invite you


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Hi Blissers,


Last week Olivia taught us the skill of products innovation, especially the process of digging out customers’ needs and creating innovative products to meet the needs, and how to evaluate the offering, step by step. Olivia is an expert in this field, we learned a lot from her case study. Please have a look of our meeting photos.




This week our gourmet master, Jessica, is going to tell us some courtesy while having meals. It must be a very practical and useful class. The following message is from Jessica.






Dear Bliss members,


   There have one of the class you must be take once in your whole life. After that you may have chance to find the good job .meet up class people often or eve find Mr.(Mrs.)right, that is International Table Manner Class


Do you know when you go to the nice restaurant, you shouldn‘t put the coat and beg on the chair?

Do you know “drink soup” is wrong way to say? and bread can’t be bit ? 

Do you know it’s impolite to call or wave hand in nice restaurant ? so without saying and signature how could you get service ?

Do you know you have leave one bit food in the plate, if you are some one’s guess?

Do you  know why the red wine only fill up one third, but white must be fill up  two third?   


If you can answer more than four question , please save one $100 and just go play around ,if not , you must come to make up this class of your life ,after the class you will earn $3,000 back and use rule al of world . 

If not to bother you can to bring your Own utensil and prentice it on our class, you can remember it forever

The priority of the utensil as below:

1.One big plate

2.One steak knife an fork

3.One soup bola and spoon

4.Wine glasses

If too much trouble for you take the dishes, you may can bring some food to fill up our plate. Anyway , It’s very poetical class, don’t miss it

14:00: Set up table

14:15: Start the class_part1

14:30 The interest film

14:45 Practice time

15:00 Class part2

15:30 Completive

15:45 Talk break

16:00 Class part 3

16:30 Interest film

16:45 Class pazrt4

17:15 final game

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Hi~ Dear all,

Many innovative product concepts should be driven by the right consumers in the right way throughout the process. This is why so many new products can be launched to meet consumer's needs such as iphone. Therefore, the creative idea can become a real popular product to the market.

This week I am going to invite you to join an innovative journey. Our objectives are as follows:

      • To dig out the consumer insight from ‘observation’
      • To explore consumers needs
      • To create innovative product offerings to meet the needs
      • To evaluate and fine tune the potential product offerings
      • Case study: Tell us what you have learnt and why this is an insight?


Let’s brainstorming and have fun!

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Dear Bliss members,


Thank Hank hosted a great meeting for us last week. And thank Ellen, Sanli, Stephanie, Barkley, Allen and Fox for your participation. This is the photo link:



This week our chairman, Fox, is going to share with us his traveling experience in Kyoto .


Dear Bliss members,

    Have you been to Kyoto Japan ?

    In this period meeting,

    I will let you know which season is the best way to go to Kyoto .

    In addition, make your own travel plan and share with us.

    Please bring you pen. Have an experience as like backpackers.






Introduce Kyoto


Introduce more about Kyoto (north ,south)

Sharing funny things in Kyoto


break time


Introduce more about Kyoto (west ,east)


Make your own travel plan and share


Kill time video if needed or play Quiz games or sharing photos

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Dear Bliss members,


We learned a lot last Saturday about urban renewal, such as the general and narrow meaning of it, how urban renewal proceeds, and the benefits of renewal offered by government. We also play games to design our own home and city of ideal. Diana is now working in the related department of Kaohsiung city government and she’s really an expert in this field. If you guys have any problem regarding urban renewal, she no doubt could help you with it. Please refer to the following photo link:



Thanks Sanli, Ellen, Stephanie, Joe, Fox, Barkley, Vicky, Joseph, Angela for your participation.


Next week, our friend Hank is going to lead us playing a very interesting game- Billion high school quiz, similar to the TV show nowadays popular in Taiwan . Of course, the most important part of the game is the PRIZE, right? Hank prepared BIG prizes for winners!! Prizes:西堤牛排禮券兩張, 大潤發禮券兩張!!!


Please refer to the following message from Hank.



2010 05 29 Bliss course

Topic : Billion high school quiz


Hardware requirement of the game

1. PC x1

2. wireless keyboard and wireless mouse

3. dice x3 and a bowl



power point and excel

Host's assistant: Operate the PC to count score for every player on excel data sheet


Playing rules:


This game is a clone of TV show "million elementary school", however there are some modifications.  There 4 playing groups in the game. They are host, player, partner, nice guy and bad guy (small people).  The game rules designed by host is to make every attendant joint the activity and interact with the other BLISS member without any idle time.  This game is not only test your knowledge but also check your popularity and your lucky.   


Host:  As the TV show you watched, the host is today's Bliss host who is respond to make thegame goes smoothly.  For this reason, the host will have a short and small talk with every game player.  Before playing the game, host will have a LDS (in Taiwanese, a short interview with the player) to make everyone aware of the player's knowledge background, working experience and so on.


Partner: Co player is like the elementary school student in the TV show. Although we just have a real elementary school student whose name is , "灌強" , he is very welcome to join us as a partner. J the partner is elected from one of the attendants.  While player is looking for his or her co player everyone should yell "choose me! choose me!", like the elementary school students in the TV show.  The partner have only one thing to do, that is to show his or her answer to the player.  The partner can only last two questions for a player, but can be every players' partner if he or she is always selected.  It means, after answering two questions correctly, the player have to select a new partner. 


good guy: the number of good guy group is around half of the attendants who are the player's angles, helping the player to answer whenever the player call help by raising " good guy" card.  At this moment good guy people have to held a group meeting to provide a conclusion, a choice you make to the player. The final answer is as the reference of the player.  The player can refer partner's and good guy group's answers, but the final decision is made by the player.  


bad guy: The aim of bad guy group is to make the player out as soon as possible.  There are two ways to make he or her out.   First, whenever the player is pondering to choose the answer, guys have to make him make the wrong answer by saying " are you sure?" or give wrong or true messages to the player to make the player failed.  The second way is to give the player a “tough” question whenever the player draw the dice number of bad guy fields or questions.


Player:  everyone have one opportunity to play as player, besides the one who get the highest score win the reward.  At the beginning , host will arrange the play order for everyone.  When the player go to the stain, he should make a short introduction to himself and LDS with host, then choose a co player.  After that, it is time to draw dice to take the quiz from test base.

    The number ( from 1 to 6) on the upper side of a decide after drawing is the quiz fields you are to answer.

one: Math from elementary to junior high school level

two: Society , including history  and geography

three: Science; covers physics, chemistry. Environment

four: common sense which includes

five and six: get in a trouble but is also a challenge, The bad group will prepare a quiz in 5 minutes

for you.

Player can see the co player's answer if he is not confidence with his or her answer.  By the way, player have 2 times to call help from good guy group, which means he can raise the card to call good guy group for help.  The good group should make a final decision within 5 minutes to player.  The co player can only last two questions periods, which means player should choose another new one as his or her co player. 

The question should be more tough because the player can score 3 points without calling help.  If the player call help he can only score one point.  


After draw the first dice to choose fields of question, the player should draw three dice at the same time then read the sum of three dice number.  The number is the question index.  There are 1/3 questions are issued by bad guy groups.



PM 2:00 - 2:10     Self Introduction to every attendants

PM 2:10 – 2:30     Introduction game rules

PM 2:30 – 2:40     Hardware and software setup

PM 2:40 – 3:00   Rehearsal

PM 3:00 – 3:40   play game

PM 3:40 – 4:00   Break

PM 4:00 – 4:20   Discuss game rules and change rules, if necessary

PM 4:20 -5:10  Play game follow the new modified rules

PM 5:10 – 5:20   Award time for the best player, partner and “bad guy”

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Dear Bliss members,


Last week, Elise discussed with us a controversial topic – Death Penalty. She led us to think and discuss this issue from many different aspects. She also showed us an interesting film named “Manners of Dying” in which the last day of a prisoner was presented in several different ways. From that film, we tried to discuss the methods of execution, the last meal , the last day of the prisoner and the execution team. It’s quite a special topics and really interesting.  For this meeting, Elise visited the Taiwan alliance to End the Death Penalty and Amnesty International Taiwan in person. Thank Elise for her diligent preparation. And also thank Joey, Sanli, Ellen, ㄍㄨㄢˋ強, Iris, Tanya, Olivia, Barkley, Willy, and Stephanie for your participation.  I’d like to share with you some of the related vocabulary as follows.


Death penalty; death sentence, capital sentence, capital punishment 死刑

Veteran 老手



Abolish 廢除


The minister of Justice 法務部長

Duel 抗爭



Life sentence, life imprisonment終身監禁


Parole, condition release假釋


The judicial police constable法警




This is the photo link for the meeting: http://picasaweb.google.com/ilovebliss.taipei/TheDeathPenaltyByEliseMay15th#


This week, as we informed two weeks ago, Diana is going to discuss with us the urban renewal(都市更新). It’s also the widely discussed topic nowadays in Taiwan , especially Taipei . Come and join us!


Hot Urban Renewal in Taipei ~


Dear Blissers,


There is no doubt that people argue about the real estate is over expensive especially in Taipei . Government stops slang their land for easing real estate speeding up. People start to watch out their real estate. Though urban renewal is quite popular in Taipei . A new police has been promoted that houses over 30 years old in Taipei will be given big incentive to renewal so that land owners don't have to spend any money to return back a new house and parking space.


But what is urban renewal, and how to protect your right when it comes to you. Don't miss your right to join this meeting.......


Best regards, 


   ~ Diana   


5/22 Meeting Agenda


02:00~02:30 Brief Self Introduction

02:30~03:30 What is urabn renewal?

03:30~03:45 Tea Break

03:45~04:45 Workshop Game

04:45~05:20 Sharing time

05:20~05:30 Summary


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Dear Bliss members,


I’ve had a good news for you. Our senior members, Owen and Nelly got their baby last Thursday. CONGRATULATION!!


This week our senior member, Elise, is going to discuss about one of the hottest topics these days. Come and join us, and tell us what you think about it, which side you’re on.  Thank Elise again for her kindly help in such an emergency. Please refer to the following meeting outline from Elise. 




The death penalty


Dear BLISS sisters and brothers,


I have been strongly for the death penalty, but now I am confused.  This issue has drwan much attention from our society and it is much more complicated than I thought.  It would be nice to listen to your ideas.  We look for no conclusion in this meeting and just let us see the death penalty from different angles together.


Warm regards,




** meeting outline **

14:00 ~ 14:20  The Minister of Justice Wang Chin-Fon

l   What has she done?

l   Vocabulary study


14:20 ~ 14:30  Self introduction


14:30 ~ 14:40  Vote : Are you for or against the Death Penalty?

* You are you. * You are the killer.

* One of your family is the killer.   * You are the victom’s family.


14:40 ~ 15:00  Why do they promote the abolishment of the death penalty?

l   Amnesty International Taiwan

l   Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty


15:00 ~ 15:30  What can replace the death penalty? (group discussion)

l   What is the purpose of the death penalty?

l   Life imprisonment? Strict standards of parole? Any other punishment? Nothing can replace it?


15:30 ~ 16:40  “Manners of Dying” www.mannersofdying.com

l   Introductions of the movie characters

l   Appreciation of some movie sections

l   Group discussion

~ The methods of execution

~ The last meal

~ The last day

~ The execution team

~ Does it take three people to inject the poison?

~ Would you mail out the video tape if you were the director of the Cantos execution facility?

l   Appreciation of the movie ending

l   The executioner – the judicial police constable


16:40 ~ 17:10  Debate : Are you for or against the Death Penalty?

l   Group discussion

l   Debate


17:10 ~ 17:20  Vote : Are you for or against the Death Penalty?

* You are you. * You are the killer.

* One of your family is the killer.   * You are the victom’s family.


17:20 ~ 17:30 Wraping


BLISS website : http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss

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Dear blissers,


Last week we talked about individual tax return filing and some useful skills that might save you money when you do it. Barkley, Angel, Tin, Vicky and Fox asked lots of questions in the meeting. Obviously, nobody wants to pay more tax than one should, especially when it’s harder and harder to get salary raised. Thanks for your enthusiastic participation, and this is the photo link: http://picasaweb.google.com/ilovebliss.taipei/TaxMoreOrLessByMengtaApril24th#



This Saturday is the labor day, a national holiday, we don’t have meeting this week.


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Dear Blissers,

Last week Barkley taught us many concepts about GIFT GIVING such as the art of giving, the dos and don’ts regarding giving, and taboos of gift giving. I believe that all of us have been giving gifts to families, friends, classmates and colleagues in our lives. Yet, did you consider carefully that it’s the right time, right things to give? Maybe not!  After Barkley’s meeting I found he’s really a thoughtful man, ha.

I learned some gift giving taboos that might be useful to you. They’re as follows.


n   In Mexico – No purple (violet) color.

n   White rose in Italy ~ ok, but in some place in far east it means to mourn over one’s death.

n   Don’t give a knife to western people ~ to cut off business relationship.

n   To Indian people ~ no cow-skin, cow-leather things.

n   In Britain ~ no necktie with stripe.

n   Don’t bring food to an Arabian’s home.

n   Iran, Mexico, Peru ~ no yellow things. It means to curse to dame somebody.

n   Chinese ~ don’t give handkerchief. It means to say goodbye.

n   Japanese ~ no lotus. It symbolizes funeral affairs.


Thanks Ellen, ㄍㄨㄢˋ, Joey, Joe, Fox, Angela, Michael Huang, Stephanie for your participation. This is the link for photos of the meeting: http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/ilovebliss.taipei/GiftGivingByBarkleyApril17th#


Next month, May, is the tax paying month again.  All of us need to prepare the tax return to be submitted to the tax authority and of course, need to make sure if you have enough money in your pocket to pay them off. It’s always a painful thing to pay tax, and never know where those money goes.*_*  This Saturday I’d like to share with you some tax return filing experience and hope it’s helpful to your tax return filing. If you really save some money next month when you do it, don’t forget to buy me a cup of coffee.
My meeting agenda is as follows:


   14:00~14:15 Introduce yourself

   14:15~14:20 Introduction

   14:20~14:40 Review some Tax terminology / Tax system

   14:40~15:40 Individual Income Tax Calculation

   15:40~15:55 Tea break

   15:55~16:20 Share your tax experience

   16:20~16:50 Group debate

   16:50~17:30 Tax saving skills


Best regards,



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Hi Blissers,

Last week Angel shared with us the legendary story about Steve Jobs. We learned how Steve Jobs established Apple, been fired by the board of directors of Apple, and the battle between Apple and Microsoft. It’s quite interesting to know that the PC we use everyday is from Steve’s garage and the WINDOWS system we’re familiar with was stolen from Apple by Bill Gate. Thanks Fox, Elise, Joey, Joe, Ellen,ㄍㄨㄢˋ, and our new friends – Ray and Sanlie. The following is the photo link: http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/ilovebliss.taipei/LegendarySteveJobsByAngelApril10th#


By the way, our old member – Mahatma wants me to say HELLO to all of you.


Next week our good friend – Barkley is going to talk about GIFT GIVING. The following is from Barkley.


Best Regards,






Gift giving ~

To give gift means  ~  love , cares ,friendship ,bless ,apology ,business ...

 no matter what it is ,gifts changes the world since the begining of human beens ,make things different.


esp giving gifts in the market place nowadays ( economical valves )

how to give and rcvd is kind of art.


if you are sb in the market place,this gift issue is very important and useful  

100% suggest you ought come this Sat meeting w/your colleague(at least w/ 2 ha ha ... ) .


                   ~ Barkley 4/12/2010   


4/17 Meeting Agenda


02:00~02:30 Gift Fm/Barkley

02:30~03:30 Gift History

03:30~03:45 Tea Break

03:45~04:45 Gift Giving

04:45~05:20 Virtual Group Practice

05:20~05:30 Summary and Feed Back

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Dear all blissers,


Last Saturday Joey brought us a great afternoon. We shared our collections such as CDs, VCDs, scarves of various types, coins and stamps of different countries…etc.  Did it recall your old memory whenever you watch, touch or feel those collections?  I believe that all the attending members did.  Maybe next time we’ll consider hosting an auction of collections.  Thanks vicky, Joey, Ellise, Owen, Williy, Fox, Jessica, Nelly, Kethren, Partick for your participation.


The following is the photo link for the meeting:  http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/ilovebliss.taipei/YOURCOLLECTIONByJoeyMarch13th#

This week our education manager, Stephanie, will be our host. The following is from her.








Dear My Bliss Friends ,


I will talk about English quiz (including Society life, math, health, nature, English, the arts).

Then I will introduce  Chinese proverb , For example know how to say 三百六十行, 行行出狀元 in English ?


Invite you



15:30: 16:30  English quiz
16:30 17:15  Chinese proverb ( role play )

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Dear blissers,

Last week in Elise meeting, we have 20 peoples to join the meeting.

 がんばって (大家一起加油喔) 


Education manager

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Dear BLISS sisters and brothers,


Have you ever been a big fan of something starting from your childhood? Ex.: Dolls, comics, albumn, posters, coins, baseball cards, video games, love letters from ex-bf/gf etc. If so, can you recall what makes you to start paying attention to those items?

In some cases, can you imagine that a ten cent comic book from our childhood could be worth a half million dollars today? Probably you will wish you would have saved the comics from your childhood? Anyway, what is passed is passed. You may have missed the opportunity to get rich, but don’t miss this meeting where you might see some valuable collections from other Blissers.

Favor Needed: Kindly please bring your COLLECTION to share with other Blissers.

The COLLECTION no needs to be fancy, nor expensive, nor older than you, but be something special to you or a reflection of your preference. However, if it’s too valuable and dangergous to bring over, please bring the photos (or mail to me joeychen@mail2000.com.tw for consolidation).
Thank you in advance for kind cooperation in COLLECTION preperation and selfless sharing.

Warm Regards,



** meeting outline **


14:00 ~ 14:15 “Self-Introduction & Warm-up”

14:15 ~ 14:30 “Brief of Joey’s COLLECTION” : Sit-Com

l     Story & History of my COLLECTION : Sit-Com

l     Sit-Com brief introductio in chronological order

l     Influences on me from my COLLECTION


14:30 ~ 16:00 “Your COLLECTIONs sharing & presentation”

l What do you bring to share/show with Blissers? (Hint & Guess)

l     Story behind the COLLECTION

l     History of the COLLECTION

l     Efforts & Costs invests on COLLECTION

l     Crazy things you have done to get them/one of them

l     Next Step/Target?


16:10 ~ 15:25 “Joey’s Sit-Com Reading & Watching”

l   Introduction & Reading of each Sit-Com (Friends, Seinfeld, Married with Children, etc. )

l  More Sit-Com Video clip appreciation.


17:25 ~ 17:30 Wrap up

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Dear BLISS sisters and brothers, In a funny way, there are two kind of people in the world : single and married. In BLISS meetings, we often say nice jokes about the married couples such as Nelly and Owen who seem to have a close and “competitive” relationship. Or Ellen and Karl who act like lovers and make us wonder who the 8-year old boy belongs to. Or Kevin and Karen who “got engaged” in 2007 BLISS Year-End Party. Or myself and my huby Joey who is a humorous guy with bark skin and curly hair like an African. ^_* We will share thoughts about your dream weddings and the real weddings of those couples. If you missed them, this Saturday would be a good opportunity (probably the only one) for you to hear their romance from their mouths and witness the actual weddings. If you are/were married and would like to share your own true experiences, welcome to contac me the latest on March 3 (some info must be edited in advance). I am looking forward to seeing you all. * Wedding photos * Documentary photos * Wedding invitations * Wedding video * Thank-you cards * Wedding rings * Wedding dress Best regards, Elise ** meeting outline ** 14:00 ~ 14:20 “Wedding” l What is wedding to you? What do you expect what to be reached in a wedding? l Vocabulary study 14:20 ~ 14:40 Love begins l How would you like to meet him/her? l How did they meet? What do they see in him/her? 14:40 ~ 15:10 Go to the next stage? l A real proposal made in front of all BLISS memebers l How would you like him/her to propose? l How did he/she propose? 15:10 ~ 15:40 The ageless beauty l Perfect photos l What are your dream photos? l Taking photos on the spot 15:40 ~ 16:20 The Dream Wedding l What is your dream wedding? 16:20 ~ 17:00 The Real Wedding l Documentary photos in the weddings & video l What were the things you remember deeply during the wedding preparation? How did they influence your wedding and/or marriage? 17:00 ~ 17:25 Do you want to get/stay married? l Which impressed you most? l What are your suggestions about weddings for single people? l How do you feel now? 17:25 ~ 17:30 Wraping

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Hello all bliss members,


I hope you all had wonderful new year holidays. Did you go out with your family or friends, or just stay home because of the bad weather?  Did you miss friends in Bliss after three week’s break? This weekend, our education manager, Stephanie, will be our host. She’ll talk about star signs. Don’t hesitate to join us, and say some blessing words to all the friends in bliss.


The following is from Stephanie.

Best Regards,




Dear My Bliss Friends ,


    I will talk about Star Signs on this weekend . I will divide three parts . First of all , We know there are 12 Star Signs in a year. As follow : 1. Aries
白羊座 2. Taurus 金年座 3. Gemini  雙子座 4. Cancer 巨蟹座
5. Leo
獅子座  6. Virgo 處女座  7. Libra 天枰座  8. Scoripio 天蝎座 9. Sagittarius 射手座 10. Capricorn 魔羯座 11.Aquarius  水瓶座 12. Pisces 雙魚座 . Pls repare and think about any idea for this Star Signs . We will discuss advantage and disadvantage for this Star Signs.  and also pls choice one for opinion. Which one Star Signs you don't like ? Why ?
   Then , We have some quiz for you ( Including Society & life , Math, Nature, Health, English, The arts   )
  Finally , I will introduce Chinese proverb for you . Do you know how to say
三百六十行, 行行出狀元 
in English ?

Invite you    

2:00 -3:20 talk about Star Signs
3:20- 3:35 break time
3:35- 4:20 Quiz time
4:20 -5:00 Chinese proverb and play role play  


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