目前分類:Bliss in 2010 (44)

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Dear blissers,


Yesterday Barkley brought us a nice afternoon. We recognized some precious animals and plants, such as Taiwan black bear, butterflies and orchids.  We also learned a useful skill about the action we should take while running into a bear in the wilds.  In the second half of the meeting, we grouped into to 4 teams to discuss about two topics:

a)   Wet land community design

b)   Some useful ways to protect environment


We also learned a lot of vocabularies. Thanks Barkley for providing the following import ones. I believe they’re very useful to you.


1.the equator 赤道

2.the tropics / the torrid zone 熱帶

3.the temperate zone 溫帶

4.the frigid zone 寒帶

5.latitude 緯度

6.tropic of cancer 北廻歸線

7.tropic of capricorn 南廻歸線

8.coral 珊瑚

9.emerald 綠寶石

10.wilderness 荒野

11.wetland 濕地

12.the kidney 腎臟

13.flood control 防洪

14.ground water recharge 補充地下水

15.coastal protection 保護海案

16.poison 毒物

17.properties 資產

18.gene pool 基因庫

19.habitat 居民

20.endangered species 瀕臨絕種物種

21.recreation 休閒

22.atmospheric equilibrium 氣候調節



25.purify clarify 淨化

26.birding 賞鳥

27.glacier 冰河

28.small leaf edelweiss 玉山薄雪草

29.common selfheal 夏枯草

30.crystal orchid 水晶蘭

31.photosynthesis 光合作用

32.altitude 海拔

33.jurassic period 侏儸紀

34.salmon / sakura masu 鮭魚 櫻花鉤吻鮭

35.adopt 認領()


Thanks Kurt, Nelly, Stanley, Catherine, Angel, Angela, David, Stephanie, Ellen, Karl, Sam, Sylvia and Fox for your participation. The following is the meeting ‘s photo link: http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/ilovebliss.taipei/Jan30thLifeAndMindMapByBarkley#


For the next 3 weeks, 2/6, 2/13 and 2/20, there’s NO meeting because of the Chinese Lunar New Year.  Wish you guys all have nice holidays and vacations.






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Dear all bliss members,


Last week, Owen held an auction for us. He introduced the types of auction including English auction, Dutch auction, Sealed first - price auction, Vickrey auction, All-pay auction, buyout auction, and combinational auction.  I believe all you guys had lots of fun and learned how to bid and ask price in an auction. Do you get what you like? Do you sell out your unused ones?  Don’t worry, prepare for it, we’ll hold another auction for you later this year.

Thanks Ellen, ㄍㄨㄢˋ, Nelly, Nelly’s sister, Stephanie, Joe, Fox, Barkley, Karen, Joy for your participation.  The following is the photo link:  http://picasaweb.google.com/ilovebliss.taipei/Jun16AucationByOwen#


This week, our senior member, Patrick, will hold the meeting for us. He’s going to tell us about the techniques of knowing people form their body language.  The following is from Patrick.

It's my honor, again, to host the meeting for Blissers. This time, I am going to share some techniques about knowing people. It's not quite necessary to learn mind reading or through talking with a person to know him well. In the first part we may acquire some general/advanced knowledges to quickily understand what a person feel by his gesture, body language, or expression. After that, each attendee will have a chance to practice those skills by means of interesting team activities.


In the 2nd half, we'll have some case studies about the famous Holmes' deduction approaches to observe the profile of strangers and get to know things in stunning detail.


2:00 ~ 2:30 - Warm-up activities (including Apple Mac mini Demo)

2:30 ~ 3:00 - Introduction of techniques to know people quickily

3:00 ~ 3:30 - Group guess game on body language

3:30 ~ 3:40 -  10 min break

3:40 ~ 4:10 - Introduction of Sherlock Homes' famous cases of knowing strangers by deduction

4:10 ~ 4:40 - One-on-one game for individual analysis by deduction

4:40 ~ 5:00 - 10 min break

5:00 ~ 5:30 -  Group deduction game


Let's have some good lessons to see through a man's thought ahead of knowing them further. The sooner you know people well, the less time you need for deeper acquaintance. 


Best Regards,



Education manager

Meeting Place:
牯嶺街小劇場地址 : 台北市中正區牯嶺街 5 巷 2 號 2F
公車: 1 路公車【牯嶺街小劇場站】
MAP: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss&article_id=12141864
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss.taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/Taipei

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Dear all bliss members,


Last week our host, Michael Tsai, bring us a great lesson about American Idioms. We learned the types of Idioms – Fixed type and Wild-card type, and many interesting Idioms with illustrations. We also debated on the pro and cons of rekindling on old flame. I believe that all the attended learned a lot in this meeting. I’d like to summarize the idioms and share with you as follows:



A red herring

A diversion

Throw down the gauntlet

Challenge somebody

Cat got your tongue

Can’t talk

Feel like a million dollar

Feel great

Have a finger in the pie

Join or participate in something

Something rings the bell

Something reminds you

Play the field

Date many different people at the same time

Smell a rat

Feel suspicious about something

Go to the dogs

Become rundown; get worse

Take the bull by the horns

deal with the problem head-on

Bury the hatchet

end hostilities

Feed someone a line

Deceive someone

Kick the bucket


Let the cat out of the bag

reveal the secret

Bite the dust

die; fail; break down

Scratch one’s back

to accommodate with a favor especially in expectation of like return

Hit the ceiling

become very angry

For the bird

worthless, ridiculous, good for nothing

Shake a leg


Shoot the breeze

talk, chat


Thanks Jay, Tracy, Joy, Fox, Nelly, Barkley, Karl, Angela, Stephanie and Owen for your participation.  The following is the photo link: http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/ilovebliss.taipei/Jun10AmericanIdiomsByByMichael#


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Dear Blissers,
Happy new year!!
I believe all you guys had a wonderful new year holiday. Are you ready for 2010?  For the very beginning of 2010, we invite our senior host Michael Tsai to bring us a lesson about American Idiom. If you want to improve your English, don't miss it!
The following is Michael's pitch.

Hello, dear blissers


Happy New Year~~~ Did you have a romantic get-away with your half or celebrate with friends on new Year’s Eve? I believe everyone enjoyed their three-days holiday and also anticipate the first bliss meeting of this year. Therefore, it spent me a whole day to figure out my topic-American Idiom. Some might find out that was the same topic I hosted before. However, I put more stuffs this time including debate, video watching, lyrics cloze, etc, which must have lots of fun.









Quiz 1~12 including

debate 20 mins

watching video & discussion 15 mins


break time


Quiz 13~25 including

listening a song 10 mins

watching video & discussion 15 mins

listen conversation and cloze 10 mins


Play a skit


Kill time video if needed


Education manager

Meeting Place:
牯嶺街小劇場地址 : 台北市中正區牯嶺街 5 巷 2 號 2F
公車: 1 路公車【牯嶺街小劇場站】
MAP: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss&article_id=12141864
WEBSITE: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss
Calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss.taipei%40gmail.com&ctz=Asia/Taipei

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