After meeting.... our host Ethan feels...
Meeting photos are posted in the album, go and check it right away!
Dear Blissers,

Happy New Year 2007 !!!

I am the new Education Manager of Bliss 2007. In this brand new year, we would like to bring all of you a more wonferful and fabulous Bliss. For example, we have a new meeting place : 北義極品
地點 : 北義極品   地下室 
地址 :台北市泰順街 50巷27號  
從師大路上的7-ELEVEN跟全家便利商店的巷子進入 往前約58公尺的左手邊即可看到 
電話 :2365-0007

please make sure not to go to 士林 

We also have our own Blog. Please go to : . You can see the updated news about Bliss.

As the first meeting host in 2007, Ethan wants to tell everyone how Golf charming and special is .

“GOLF”…………You must hear about it already. What do you think of it ? Luxurious ?! Expensive ?! No No No, it is the most common and healthy exercise. Do you still have doubts about this ? Let me tell you how “GOLF” comes from:


Wow, What else sports can consist of the above 4 important components ? Yes, Golf is such a special exercise. If you are a professional player, please come to share your experience with us. If you are a rookie even totally new for it, you need to come to know how good it is.

What is “GOLF” ? Please come. I WILL SHOW YOU !!!

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