目前分類:Bliss in 2007 (61)

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  Dear all,

Welcome to our special activity! We heard that some of you have something haven't been used for a long time and would like to sell it to someone else.  Some of you want to buy valuable things in cheaper price. Yes! We hear you!

We will let you know what auction is and please bring one piece that you want to sell.

To control the total numbers and the quality of auction, please reply to Vicky( kotokolin@gmail.com) of what you want to sell with picture and its description before Thursday 5PM. . We will validate your data and reply whether you can sell it or not.

We also are very exciting to tell you that we intive a business leader to Bliss and give us his sharing.

Nicolas de La Giroday is the new associate director(department head) in sales department at P&G Taiwan. This excellent leader has various working experiences in many countries-Saudi Arab, France, Turkey, Poland, and just take over TW position this March. Please join us to his interesting life and career!

As seats are limited, early registration is needed: please email to Vicky(kotokolin@gmail.com) and confirm your attendance together with your auction product picture+information before Thursday 5PM.

See you this Saturday!


o                 14:10-15:00 Auction introduction-histroy & Rule

o                 15:00-15:45 the Auction time

o                 15:45-16:00 Tea Break

o                 16:00-17:00 Nicolas de La Giroday’s sharing

o                  17:00-17:30 Q&A

Time: Apr-28 Saturday. 2:00-5:30 PM
地址: 台北市廈門街25巷4弄5-1號1樓 禪之藝

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Dear Blisser,   Here comes our coming calendar! See you~~~

April May June
7 5 2
No meeting Host: Owen & Micron
Host: Nelly
  Topic: Wang & Scuba diving
Topic: SWOT
14 12 9
No meeting No meeting Host: Annie
21 19 16
  Host: Irene Kuo Host: Barkley No meeting
Topic: 7 Habits of highly effective people Topic: to be confirmed  
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100) Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)  
28 26 23
Special Activity: Auction Host: Patrick No meeting
+ Topic: to be confirmed  
Guest Speaker: Nicolas  Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)  
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)  
 Host : Elise
Time: Saturday. 2:00-5:30 PM
地址: 台北市廈門街25巷4弄5-1號1樓 禪之藝
地圖: 古亭捷運站9號出口,沿和平西路找到牯嶺街,轉進後第一個巷子口右轉,前進兩個巷口左轉......就看到囉^^ 
收費: 每個人100元
注意事項:  現場只提供茶和水,不提供餐點,請吃飽再去,現場有熱水所以可以自己帶茶包去泡茶若要攜帶外食(不鼓勵,老闆娘不太喜歡),也麻煩大家吃完垃圾要帶走唷

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Dear Blissers,
So surpirsed ! The meeting will be held again this week. Can not wait to see all of you. So please come to join this week.
The host rhis week, Irene Kuo, is introduced by our chairman Vicky. She is working in the worldwide famous company, P&G and has abundant experience for the marketing. This week, she is ready to tell us the 7 habits of highly effective people. If you think you are not effetive enough and wanna improve yourself. You can not miss this meeeting, otherwise................................................you will be regretful. 

Please download the Meeting Notice from this link :    http://www.rogepost.com/n/4040506800
Owen Lin
Education Manager
Mobile :0928-131-126

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Dear Blissers,
Hope all of you had a wonderful Spring Festival.
Because many blissers need to work this Saturday to compensate last Friday off, we decide to cancel this week meeting. Next week, the meeting will be held as usual.
Owen Lin
Education Manager
Mobile :0928-131-126

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Dear Blissers, 

We would like to thank for our senior member Kevin's excellent peformance last Sat. Though the solar-tech is beyond our common sense and knowledge, we still get some ideas about it. 

You guys can enjoy the photoes by the following link : http://tw.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/bliss_taipei/album?.dir=/aab6scd

There is no meeting on this Sat. because of Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival. Hope everyone enjoy your holidays. 

Education Manager / Owen Lin  

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Dear Blissers,
We had a very wonderful time last week Outing. The national Palace Meseum was crowded with people. All of us enjoyed a lot for the showing items from The British Meseum. Besides, in the afternoon, we went to visit Romeo's new house, one of our memeber, We drank Chinese tea ,sang KTV and had a great Tea Tim there. No matter you joined this Outing or not, please come to share the happiness with us by the following link : http://tw.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/bliss_taipei/album?.dir=4765scd&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//tw.photos.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos
This week, our senior and the most co-operative member, Kevin, will give us a very good topic "Solar Cell". As we know the energy crisis problem becomes more and more serious gradually nowadays. Human beings try to find any natural, pure and the most available energy as the substitute for the petroleum. Solar energy seems to the best choice. Please come to join Kevin's meeting this week and you will obtain more knowledge about this.
You've probably seen calculators that have solar cells -- calculators that never need batteries, and in some cases don't even have an off button. As long as you have enough light, they seem to work forever. You may have seen larger solar panels -- on emergency road signs or call boxes, on buoys, even in parking lots to power lights. Although these larger panels aren't as common as solar powered calculators, they're out there, and not that hard to spot if you know where to look. There are solar cell arrays on satellites, where they are used to power the electrical systems.



Of course there are choices for us to choose an alternative renewable energy source. The Wind, Wave (Ocean wave), Geothermal Power and etc. have been thoroughly researched for decades. I believe that I did touch some of them in my meeting of last year (Clean Energy). In this Sat., I will start to give you an idea of how solar cell works, why solar cell is being a Star around the world, and further into a deep discussion of where we stand at the present in this technology.
 You can download the notice from this link : http://www.rogepost.com/n/6494009308
Owen Lin
Education Manager
Mobile :0928-131-126

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Dear Blissers, 

You can see the pictures of Ellen's meeting in the following link :   http://tw.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/bliss_taipei/album?.dir=/43a6scd

Education Manager / Owen Lin

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Dear Blissers,
We would like thank for Ellen's excellent hosting this week. She showed us the Great British Museum in the short 3 hours. All the members who joined this meeting can feel it will be so great and wonderful if we can go there by ourselves. However, we have a very good chance to enjoy the art from Great British Museum and do not need to go to UK.
This week, we gonna have an Outing activity in National Palace Museum. Of course, Ellen will be our best guide and introduce everything there. So please find the attached Outing Notice and join us.
Take care
Owen Lin

Please download the Notice from this link :  http://www.rogepost.com/n/6284935062

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Dear Blissers, 

You can see the pictures of Vicky's meeting in the following link :   http://tw.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/bliss_taipei/album?.dir=5fa9scd&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//tw.photos.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos

Education Manager / Owen Lin

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Dear Blissers,
We had a very good beginning meeting by Vicky last Saturday. In her meeting, we know how to build up a brand and how to make it famous and successful.
This week, our honorable & senior memeber, Ellen Huang gonna introduce the history and interesting stuffs in British Museum to us. This meeting is also related to our Outing on Mar.24. So please come to join the meaningful meeting this week. You also can watch the preview Video on our Blog. http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss
Ever been to a museum ? Those ancient stuffs lying there stilly and tranquilly
, are they all dead ? No….no… no…!!!! Let’s turn to another direction , think that, all those exhibits are there, waiting for our visit and appreciation for thousands of years and thus extend their lives to today through building a connection with us . Whether it’s by refreshing our mind or even inspiring us to give a new idea !! This is the spirit that the National Palace Museum would like to convey to us and you could see from this video shoots ..share with you !! ( How a Chinese poem and literature give the inspiration to Lin-Chung to create his modern music !!)
So here comes a question- How do you build your own connection to the exhibits when visiting a museum ? The connection here could refer to anything between you and the exhibits ,whether it’s emotional one or informative one !!
In this coming Sat. let’s try to build some connections with the current hottest exhibition in National Palace Museum, Treasures of the World's Cultures: The British Museum after 250 Years…this actually a warm up meeting for the coming outing activity on 3/24 , the day we ganna visit there with all the lovely Bliss friends !!
Let’s don’t have any regret that we’ve been to a great treasure house but leaving with the empty hand (mind)…I must say it again in Chinese …莫入寶山卻空手而回 !!
PS. Before the meeting ,you could also visit to following website for some more exhibition info :
Owen Lin
Education Manager
Mobile :0928-131-126

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Dear Blissers,
After a long Chinese New Year Holidays, the brand new meetings in Golden Pig Year will start from this week. All of you can not wait for it, right ?!
This week, our ChairWoman, Vicky Lin, will host a wonderful topic "Brand Building Framework". Let us check carefully we will find various brands are around us so closely. Some brands come quickly and go swiftly. And some can be kept in our mind for a long time. Do you know why and how ? Let Vicky tell you. Please do not forget to join us this week.
There are a lot of successful famous brands in the world and we just love them- Apple, Nike, Coke, Sony, Giant, Lexus, LV, BMW, Chanel, Mont Blanc, !
During the meeting, we will discuss mass famous brands and also the following questions:
How can these brands be so popular and successful?
Are there any rules to build a brand?
What makes a brand fail? Any reason?
How to start with my brand?
How does the market look like? Any chance for my brand?
Where are my customers/consumers? How to reach them?
What do my customers/consumers like or dislike?
….. and more!
You may refer to the book for some brands we will discuss- “Rising Tide(English version)” or “P&G品牌行銷密碼(Chinese version)”.
Owen Lin
Education Manager
Mobile :0928-131-126

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 Dear Blissers,
Thanks for your your participation of this week meeting. Hope you have more understanding on Australia and English Phonetics from teacher Stephanie and Vivian.
This Sat on Feb.10. Molly ganna bring us to explore The Beverage World .....

"…Each drink is a kind of technology, a catalyst for advancing culture  

      by which I( Tom Standage) demonstrate the intricate interplay 

      of different civilizations……”  
Ever think of the daily drinks may represent a history or civilazation ? Let's explaore together with Molly by this coming Sat. afternoon ba.....!!

Owen Lin

Education Manager

Mobile :0928-131-126

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Dear Blisser, the most updated meeting calendar comes!

February March April
3 3 7
Host: Staphanie & Vivian No meeting  No Meeting
Topic: Let's go to Australia  
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)
10 10 14
Host: Molly Host: Vicky No Meeting
Topic: The Beverage World   Topic: Brand building
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100) Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)
17 17 21
No meeting Host: Ellen  Host: Irene Kuo
  Topic: I know I don't know
Topic: 7 Habits of highly effective people
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100) Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)
24 24 28
No meeting Special activity Special activity+
Guest Speaker
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)
Host: Kevin
Topic: to be confirmed
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)

Time: Saturday. 2:00-5:30 PM

地址: 台北市廈門街25巷4弄5-1號1樓 禪之藝
地圖: 古亭捷運站9號出口,沿和平西路找到牯嶺街,轉進後第一個巷子口右轉,前進兩個巷口左轉......就看到囉^^ 
收費: 每個人100元
注意事項:  現場只提供茶和水,不提供餐點,請吃飽再去,現場有熱水所以可以自己帶茶包去泡茶若要攜帶外食(不鼓勵,老闆娘不太喜歡),也麻煩大家吃完垃圾要帶走唷

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Dear Blissers,
We all appreciate for Joey's best performance to bring us Scrabble game last week. The atmosphere of the whole meeting is "hot". Even it was so cold outside, most of us took off our jackets and sweaters during the game. Of course, no matter win or lose, we learned lots new English words through this wonderful game.
This week, there are 2 parts in our meeting. For the first part, teacher Vivian will share her abundant and excellent English teaching experience with us. You may change your original ideas for English after joining her meeting.
For 2nd part, another teacher, Stephanie, will tell us why Australia becomes the most popular country for the tourists from all over the world. No matter you have been there or not, please come to join and share your experience with us.
I ‘m going to introduce Australia this Saturday afternoon . Have you been to Australia before ? Do you understand about this country ? Australia is a wonderful travel country ,it’s a natural unusual landscape, a lot of wild animals like koala , kangaroo. Also a fashionable city. The ancient aborigine culture and different country foods . It also product grape and many other fruits in Australia .
   Please come to here for enjoying this Saturday afternoon . I ‘ll you tell about Australia . Before meeting please prepare 2 questions : 1. How many countries have you gone?  2. In which country do you want to visit again , why ?
Owen Lin
Education Manager
Mobile :0928-131-126

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Dear Blissers,

This provides our financial report of Jan-07.
BLISS 2007 Financial Report
  收入明細 收入金額 支出金額 支出明細
1/6 2006年結餘 4728 (from Nelly) 4728    
1/6 愛心捐 (  Molly, Irene, Kevin, Vivian) 200 -50 Host-Ethan會議補助
1/13 愛心捐  (Nelly) 50 -50 Host-Clark會議補助
1/20 愛心捐  (Barkley, Jessica, Stephanie, Sveta, Vivian, Willy) 300 -100 Host-Owen, Sveta會議補助
1/20 剩餘場地費 17人*70元=1190  1190 -1170 剩餘場地費
1/20 剩餘餐費 42 0 剩餘餐費
1/27 愛心捐  (Michael, Chris, Karl, Hank, Owen, Nelly) 300 -50 Host-Joey會議補助
1/27 剩餘餐費 29 0 剩餘餐費
Current Balance 5419

- Vicky

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Dear Blissers,

First of all, all our crew appreciate a lot for your attendance the meeting last week. We hope the 1st 讀書會 has brought you something new and meaningful. Besides, hope all of you have more understanding and conception about the Mid-East countries political and religional status by Owen's introduction. 
Besides, we are also impressed and surprised by the new meeting place 禪之藝.It is really a bright and broad place to hold a meeting. BUT IT IS A PITY THAT WE CAN NOT HOLD THE MEETING THERE TIS WEEK SINCE IT HAS RESERVED BY SOMEONE.  We will go back to 北義極品 this week only(Jan-27). As far as I'm concerned, the 1st floor of 北義極品 is also an excellent place for our meeting.

Moreover, our previous blog link, bliss.english.tw, does not work anymore. The new link, http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ilovebliss , will bring you to our Bliss amazing Blog world. Please leave your any message to all blissers there.

This week, our senior, experienced, and respected member, Joey Chen, will share a very wonderful game with us. We can not only get lots fun, but also learn a bunch English words from it. You may ask what kind of game with such magic power, Please do not hesitate to join his meeting. I am sure you will love it.

Scrabble is a word game that anybody can play as long as they can spell in the language in which the game is being played. The game is intended to be played by between two and four players. If more than four people are available, they can either team up. We will experience both Individual and Group competition in the meeting.

To begin with, each player draws seven tiles from the bag. The first player makes a word from any or all of their letters and places it on the board, beginning, ending or crossing the central square and replaces the used tiles with a corresponding number of tiles from the bag. Subsequently, players take turns to create a new word (thereby building a crossword on the board), attempting to score as many points as possible.

If you have never ever played Scrabble, this is a meeting you will not miss for sure. If you have practiced Scrabble, this is even a great chance to evaluate yourself. 

Education Manager / Owen Lin  0928-131-126 

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Thanks for Owen brings us into a international world! He let us understand soooo many storis about the "A country" and the relationship/conflicts between those countries.Also, Sveta just led us reading through the article in Time-"person of this year"....this really bring us into the next level of English. No matter the insight behind, the applications, and the advantages/disadvantages.... Web2.0 indeed impacts our daily life and totally change the rule which ran for a long time. Bravo Sveta!!

Owen and Sveta Nelly and Bernis Molly,Willy,Joey,Chris Vivian,Elise,Irene,Vicky Owen,Barkley,Willy Kathy,Michael,Sid

Let's welcome our new friend--Kathy Lee introduced by Michael!!
Also, our new friends last week- Sid and Irene came again for this week. Good Job!!
Sid Irene
See you next week, we'll have a fun meeting by Joey.    -Vicky
Dear All Blissers, after Clark's meeting, I believe all of us can be good at communicating with others. The crews are wondering and happy because there are 20 blissers joining Clark's meeting including 5 new members.
This week, we will have a good meeting place, 禪之翼. It is a very good place for us. We can have our own space to enjoy our meeting without disturbance. The meeting quality can be much better.
We will have our 1st 讀書會 this week. All the crews want to share the fresh and hottest thing, Web 2.0, with all blissers. We are ready to give it a try and hope all of you can come to join.
You can find the meeting data/material in the attached files. Please read and copy it before joining the meeting. That will make you getting more ideas and conception from our meeting.

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

Dear Blisser, we have 4 exciting meetings in January. Don't miss them and have fun with us!
See you~~~
January February March
6 3 3
Host: Ethan Host: Staphanie & Vivian No meeting
Topic: Golf
Place: 北義級品
Topic: Let's go to Australia
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)
13 10 10
Host: Clark Host: Kim & Molly Host: Irene Kuo
Topic: Communication management
Place: 北義級品
Topic: to be confirmed
Place: 禪之藝(場地費100)
Topic: to be confirmed
20 17 17
Host: Owen & Sveta讀書會 No meeting Host: Ellen
Topic: photo of this year & person of this year
Place: 禪之藝
  Topic: to be confirmed
27 24 24
Host: Joey No meeting Special activity
Topic: Scrabble Game
Place: 北義級品
Host: Tina Liao
Topic: to be confirmed 

Time: Saturday. 2:00-5:30 PM

Jan-27 meeting place
地點 : 北義極品 1F 
地址 :台北市泰順街 50巷27號 (台電大樓站3號出口)從師大路上的7-ELEVEN跟全家便利商店的巷子進入第一個巷子口的左手邊即可看到 
電話 :2365-0007

Feb-3, Feb-10 meeting place
地址: 台北市廈門街25巷4弄5-1號1樓 禪之藝
地圖: 古亭捷運站9號出口,沿和平西路找到牯嶺街,轉進後第一個巷子口右轉,前進兩個巷口左轉......就看到囉^^ 
收費: 每個人100元
注意事項:  現場只提供茶和水,不提供餐點,請吃飽再去,現場有熱水所以可以自己帶茶包去泡茶若要攜帶外食(不鼓勵,老闆娘不太喜歡),也麻煩大家吃完垃圾要帶走唷

blisstaipei520 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Dear Blisser, we find a good, new place for meeting!  
However, 禪之藝 is fully booked at Jan-27. We will have the meeting at 北義極品 again

Jan-27 meeting place
地點 : 北義極品 1F 玻璃屋
地址 :台北市泰順街 50巷27號 (台電大樓站3號出口)從師大路上的7-ELEVEN跟全家便利商店的巷子進入第一個巷子口的左手邊即可看到 
電話 :2365-0007
收費 :  每人低消60元

Feb-3, Feb-10 meeting place
地址: 台北市廈門街25巷4弄5-1號1樓 禪之藝
地圖: 古亭捷運站9號出口,沿和平西路找到牯嶺街,轉進後第一個巷子口右轉,前進兩個巷口左轉......就看到囉^^ 
收費: 每個人100元(場地費)
注意事項:  現場只提供茶和水,不提供餐點,請吃飽再去,現場有熱水所以可以自己帶茶包去泡茶若要攜帶外食(不鼓勵,老闆娘不太喜歡),也麻煩大家吃完垃圾要帶走唷


(這個地點有點難找,請大家多忍耐,要是幾次meeting後大家都很滿意,以後我們就不用再流浪了 ^.^)

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Wanna see more meeting photos? check our album!

Dear Blissers,
I would like to appreacite a lot for the Blissers who joined Ethan's meeting last weekend. This gives all Bliss 2007 crew much inspiration and encourage. Please go to our Bliss Blog http://bliss.english.tw/  to leave your message in Ethan's meeting section.
This week, we will also have a very wonderful meeting by senior member, Clark. He will continue his last topic "Communication management" and share his personal experience with us.
This week, we will keep the same meeting place in 北義極品
地點 : 北義極品   地下室 
地址 :台北市泰順街 50巷27號  
台電大樓站3號出口,從師大路上的7-ELEVEN跟全家便利商店的巷子進入 往前約58公尺 (第一個巷子口)的左手邊即可看到 
電話 :2365-0007 

Good communication is one of the keys to a successful career no matter what field you choose, and many different skills contribute to a professional's capacity to communicate well.  Improving communication is a continuous process of learning, doing, critiquing, evaluating, and doing again.

Management Communication is intended to help you think strategically about communication and aid you in improving your writing, presentation, and interpersonal communication skills within a managerial setting. We will look at a set of "best practices" or guidelines that have been derived from both research and experience, give you the opportunity to put those guidelines into practice, and provide you with feedback on your work to help you strengthen your abilities.

Join us this Saturday afternoon and you will learn different aspects of communication within a managerial setting!!

See you then !!! 
Meeting Material available below:

Electronic media http://www.rogepost.com/n/8157894130
Giving and receiving feedback http://www.rogepost.com/n/5993828956
Intercultural communication http://www.rogepost.com/n/7591038850
Media relation http://www.rogepost.com/n/0959070346
Persuation http://www.rogepost.com/n/5684713172
Team work basics http://www.rogepost.com/n/6611354822

~ 14:15   Warm up
14:15 ~ 15:00  Teamwork Basics
15:00 ~ 15:20  Tea Break

15:20  16:00 Giving and Receiving Feedback /Intercultural Communication

16:00 16:20 Tea Break

16:20 ~  17:00 Media Relations/ Persuasion/Electronic Media

17:00  ~ 17:30  Group Discussion 

Clark Kuo

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