Dear bliss members

Year End Party is approaching us!!!
This year, we will hold a Casino-style party in a sport pub in 東區 called Juliana sport pub at 6 PM ,December 13, 2008
There is their website
During that night, we will give each participant certain amount of chips for playing blackjack, dice, dart game, bingo, etc to find out champion. Besides, there will be professional tarot expert to decode and forecast your future, live band whose lead singer ,Julie, is our Bliss president of next year and probably magic performance.

About the entry rate , each person has to pay NTD $600 but special price NTD $550 for the first 25 person replying for joining. And actually, the real price they charge is NT $800 per person, yet since this year' surplus and incentive for u to join , we lower the fee a lot. You can also invite your friends to go to the party!

Michael 0918051756
Education Manager
Judy 0922423978

    創作者 blisstaipei520 的頭像

    Bliss English Club

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