Hi Blissers,
The host, Jessica, shared her long stay experience both in Taiwan and aboard. Additional to the great photos, she introduced some cities and countries and also what we should pay more attentions. The most interesting thing was she went to some cooking institutes to learn the table manners and cooking. She also could always enjoy the delicious cuisine. She recommended some places of Taiwan for long stay and we learned lots from the photos about the views and accommodations. Jessica provided the rewards for questions. Thank you for such a fantastic afternoon, Jessica.
Participants: Jassica, Fox, Sabrina, Dobi, Kevin Huang, Wisely, Serina, Vicky, Jeff, Barkley, Allen, Anita, Selina, Cara, Angela
The meeting photos~~
Host Jessica's photo~~
New member Allen's photo~~
Coming soon~
Time: 11/16@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折
Time: 11/16@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$70(場地費) 請盡量自備零錢, 研究生/大學生(含)以下打七折
Host: Allen
Topic: Simple sewing tips to repair clothes
2:00~2:05 Self introduction
2:05~2:35 A short introduction of fashion industry
2:35~3:00 Clothing damage and hand sewing tips
3:00~3:15 Coffee break
3:15~3:45 Creat your own stuff with simple hand sewing techniques
3:45~4:45 Practice and exercise
4:45~5:00 Wrap up
Best regards,