
 Coming soon: 11/22 Uncle Ting, 11/29 Jessica Yang

“Marketing and Sales Strategies” by Clark KUO @ 2014/11/08

Our host Clark works for the Taipei government. Because of his job he meets lots of enterprises and guests everyday and therefore wants to teach us about how to make a good presentation. To begin with, Clark used powerpoint to show some key points, such as different presentation to different customer and ask probing questions. Our fellow Blisser Ellen also shared an incident in her company about how to ask important questions.

After some theories, the host divided participants into two groups for everyone to practice merchandising their product. In the practice Cara sold banana with blender free.  At last, everyone gave an example that its selling skills make people impressed. Wisely and Daniel were impressed by the convenient store 7-11’s creative marking activities that attracted so many people to spend money just for some toys. We had an educating afternoon to learn about how businessman how to make a profit from consumers.


Participants: Cara, Daniel, Ellen, Jeff, Judith, Kai, Millie, Wisely

Meeting Photos (Picasa)click here


Note: Theres is no Bliss meeting on this Saturday 15 Nov.

The next meeting is on 22th Nov. and Uncle Ting will share with us Fun of Traveling. See you then!


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