Dear Blissers,
Last week Willy shared various articles with us.We discussed how an atomic clock could work and knew the elements of the earth.Besides,we had fun in sharing the jokes with each other.Willy was so considerate that he gave every participant a gift based on the questionaire which he asked us to fill out in the beginning of the meeting!What a surprise!Thank Willy!
New Comer:Sophia Su,i
Welcome to Bliss Family!
Also thank Gina, Angela, Ellen, Carl, 灌強, Kurt, Jessica, Elsa, Naihsin, Belle, Sanli, Elise, Joey, Kevin, Chloe, Jeff and Iris for your coming.
Our photos:
This upcoming Saturday,our host,Michael Tsai,would like to talk about "Toys".Below is the agenda from Michael. Please come and join us!The meeting place will be Brown Coffee 3F.
Best Regards,
Dear Bliss friends
How are you? This is Michael. It’s great to be the host of this week ! So exciting! I get one-week break before my new job’s coming. Envy me~~~ Therefore, no doubt, I will try my best to give you all a nice meeting. My topic is concerning TOYS, which is advised by Iris. Check the following Agenda for your reference.
Time |
14:10~14:20 |
Self-Introduction |
14:20~14:30 |
Warm-up Questions |
14:30~15:00 |
Article comprehension |
15:00~15:45 |
Game time 1 (labyrinth, Rubiks Cub) |
15:45~16:00 |
Break time |
16:00~16:45 |
Game time 2 (pricing game, video game) |
16:45~17:00 |
Movie Time |
Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Sandy,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli
Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Sandy,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli
Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218號 (建國北路口)