Dear Blissers,
Last Saturday,we reviewed the vocabulary learnt in the previous "reading articles & discussion" meetings and played an interesting game to help memorize the vocabulary.First,Sanli separated us into two groups,then she asked each group to make up a story by using these words.The game was new to us,so we did have fun in utilizing our imagination to create a good story.The champion was the team of Ellen,Zoe and FuYu.
New members:
Selina Lin
Jerry Li
Zoe Lu & FuYu Zhuang
Welcome to the Bliss Family!
Participants: Sanli, Selina Lin, Ellen, 灌強, FuYu Zhuang, Zoe Lu, Jerry Li, Kevin and Iris
Besides,I also prepare an interesting case study: if you are directors of the company in the case (I will give you the article in the meeting),what advice will you give to the new boss whose team's morale is low and members don't follow his lead?What action will you take? Let's have a brainstorming this Saturday afternoon!The meeting place will be Brown Coffee 2F.Please come and join us!
My agenda is as below:
14:00~14:20 Warm-up
14:20~14:50 A manager should....
14:50~15:10 A female boss or a male boss?
15:10~15:30 Vocabulary - Management qualities
15:30~15:45 Experience sharing
15:45~16:00 Break
16:00~17:30 Case Study: What would you do?
Best Regards,
Chairman: Ellen
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli
Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Education manager:Vicky,Iris,Mengta
Activity manager:Naihsin,Barkley
PR manager:Willy,Sanli
Meeting Place:
伯朗咖啡(南京一店) 每人低消130元,無其他費用。
Address: 台北市 中山區 南京東路二段218號 (建國北路口)
WEBSITE: ilovebliss
Calendar: calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. Taipei
WEBSITE: ilovebliss
Calendar: calendar/embed?src=ilovebliss. Taipei