Hi Blissers,

The host, Joe, introduced us a different trip of Hong Kong. He traveled with his wife and tried the delicious food. Additional to the impression of shopping mall, this meeting let us learn more about the history and geography ideas of Hong Kong. Joe also shared his photos and information and made us know not only the popular attractions and restaurant but also the local food and views. Besides, Joe brought very nice gifts and the blissers played a game-Bingo. Everyone had a lot of fun. Thanks to Joe for such a great afternoon. 

Participants: Joe, Sanli, Cari, Vicky, Steven, Stanley, Archer, Kevin Huang, Hope, Jeff, Daniel, Serina, Angela, Judith
Here are meeting photos~
Host Joe's photo~

Coming soon~
Host: Iris Lin
Topic: "THE ONE-LIFE SOLUTION: Reclaim Your Personal Life While Achieving Greater Professional Success"@7/6 14.00 
Place: 伯朗咖啡(南京一店 3F)

Agenda as below:

Hi, dear Blissers,

Long time no see! It’s my pleasure to meet you at Brown’ Cafe on July.6, 2013.

This time what I wanna share you one book about boundaries on work. The title of this book is The One-Life Solution; the author, clinical psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud, used his extensive background in both the clinical and professional consulting world to help the readers how to integrate and structure our life in current work pattern today. I sincerely hope that sharing this book’s point and hints on time management will help you to lead better, manage better and do what you do better.

Expect your coming!

Cheers, Iris

Meeting Agenda:

2:00-2:20 Self Introduction
2:20-2:50 Reclaiming Your Power
2:50-3:20 What You Care About (your values, mission, mission, and goals)
3:20-3:50 You and Your Words
3:50-4:00 Break
4:00-4:30 Time, Space, and E-mail
4:30-5:10 How to make the most of a hard conversation
5:10-5:30 Helpful Hints

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Hi Blissers,

The summer time is coming. Maybe some of you are planning your traveling now. The host of this week, Joe, will share his experience of traveling to Hong Kong. Below is his agenda and see you this Saturday!

Time: 6/29@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$100(場地費), 大學生(含)以下打七折 (研究生則無)

6/29 Host: Joe
Topic: What's amazing Hong Kong (tour) except to shopping and Disney route.
Introduction :
Hong Kong(HK) is always a familiar word in many traveling guide book.
Why Taiwanese backpackers usually choose Hong Kong(HK) to plan their first tour?
Why we name HK as "Pearl of the East" / " Gourmet Paradise"? and have one of top 3 Night Scenes in the world.
Everyone, welcome to join us and share your amazing HK experience,
We might heard a little of HK people are interested in Gambling, so there will be a lotto lottery game in the end of meeting.
# Also welcome to donate small gifts for it. ^^ #
initial Agenda :
2:00~2:20 Warm up and self-introduction
2:20~3:10 Brief introduction of Hong Kong
+ Q&A puzzle
3:10~3:20 Tea break
3:20~4:00 My tour experience
4:00~4:10 Tea break
4:10~4:50 Interactive Activity - Lotto lottery game
4:50~5:00 Summary

If have any idea or suggestion or share experience, feel free to share with me

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Hi Blissers,

Hank gave us a lesson about what is cloud computing and it also involved some mathematics. These ideas inspired everyone to think about the information security and the application of internet. Everyone shows the enthusiasm in this meeting. Secondly, the topic is wind turbine and it made us think about the energy issues and environment protection. However, it would be related to the politics and technology areas. We also learned some vocabulary during this meeting. Thank you, Hank. 

Attendance: Annie, Steve, Ellen, BK, Daniel, Serina, Yvonne, Simon, Jeff, Kevin Joe

Here are the meeting photos~~
https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ TheCaseForCloudComputingInCram mingSchoolManagementIntroducti onToWindTurbineByHank#
Host Hank's photo~~
https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ TheCaseForCloudComputingInCram mingSchoolManagementIntroducti onToWindTurbineByHank# 5890257628237236514
New member Simon~
https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ TheCaseForCloudComputingInCram mingSchoolManagementIntroducti onToWindTurbineByHank# 5890257692607607490
Next meeting will be on 6/29 and the meeting notice will be sent during that week, thanks. 


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Hi Blissers,

Uncle Ting introduced the Powder Keg of Europe, the Balkan Peninsula. He let us know the history of  the Balkan Peninsula and the origin of world war one. Additional to the description, he also prepared lots of historical pictures about the map and the key persons from the past until now. It made everyone have a clearer idea about this changing area. 
Besides, he showed us many beautiful view and historical heritage. Ting traveled to Finland recently and he shared the local food and chocolate with us. Everyone had a good experience on the sense of seeing, listening and tasting. The attached 2 files are what Ting wanted to share with you.  Thank you, Ting.

Participants: Ting, Kevin Huang, Daniel, Barkley, Archer, Ellen, Hope, Cari, Angel, Kurt, Selina, Serina, Sophia, Joe
Here are the meeting photos~~
https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ BalkanPeninsularABeautifulLand ByAdriaticSeaByTingOn8June#
Host Ting's photo~~
https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ BalkanPeninsularABeautifulLand ByAdriaticSeaByTingOn8June# 5887781034806944370
New member Cari's photo~~
https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ BalkanPeninsularABeautifulLand ByAdriaticSeaByTingOn8June# 5887781178933610578
New member Hope's photo~~
https://picasaweb.google.com/ 101726755048448689917/ BalkanPeninsularABeautifulLand ByAdriaticSeaByTingOn8June# 5887781191317980626
The coming week is provided by Hank. The place, time and agenda are as below. 
See you on Saturday~

Time: 6/15@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$100(場地費), 大學生(含)以下打七折 (研究生則無)

Host: Hank
Topic: The case for cloud computing in cramming school management & Introduction to wind turbine

The meeting agenda as below:
14:00 - 15:50 The case for cloud computing in cramming school management
14:00 - 14:15 Introduction new New BLISS members to host
14:15 - 14:45 What is cloud computing?
14:45 - 15:10 Experience cloud computing by Google Chrome web browser
15:10 - 15:30 Introduction to cramming school management
15:30 - 15:50 Group discussion and presentation

15:50 - 16:05 Tea time break
16:05 - 17:20 Introduction to wind turbine

16:05 - 16:20 Fluid mechanism equations
16:20 - 16:40 Introduction to wind turbine 
16:40 - 17:00 Environmental effects of wind power.Group discussion and presentation. Advertisement for next host and outing

Best wishes


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Hi Blissers,

The host, Nick, introduced us how to learn English by the cartoon "Spongebob" last Saturday. From the statistically, many high level managers who work under the high pressure environments like to watch Spongebob, also for many normal office workers. Spongebob provided the interesting story to make us relaxing and we could learn some slang language. Nick prepared and provided us a very good opportunity to learn and he also showed us a part of cartoon for training our listening and writing. Nick explained the skills of vocabulary and grammar both on oral and writing ways. He demonstrated many accents, like British, Indian..., and it was very funny. Thank you, Nick!

Participants: Nick, Daniel, Vicky, Serina, Kevin, Ellen
Meeting photo as below~
Host Nick's photo as below~

Next meeting will be on 6/8 at 中山公民會館 and the agenda as below~~
Time: 6/8@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)

現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$100(場地費), 大學生(含)以下打七折 (研究生則無)

Host: Ting Lee
Topic: Balkan Peninsular -- a beautiful land by Adriatic Sea ".
Here is the agenda:
1400-1415 Warm-up
1415-1445 Brief Introduction of Balkan Peninsula
1445-1515 Reading of Latest News on Balkan
1515-1530 Break
1530-1630 What to see
-- Places on UNESCO World Heritage List
-- Scenic Beauty of Sea and Land
-- Historical Sites
1630-1650 Tours on Balkan Peninsula
1650-1700 Q & A

With warm regards,
Ting Lee

For any questions, please let me know, thanks.


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Dear Blissers,

Last Saturday,Kevin shared several cooking tips,idioms and similar English phrases with us.
We learnt how to flip fish over in the pan;Barkley and Ellen also demonstrated their ways of flipping.Very entertaining~
Participants:Kevin,Daniel,Joe, Judy,Will,Barkley,Ellen,Jeff, Steven,Angel,Vicky,Angela

New comers: 
Steven :http://ppt.cc/VQF~   (Right)
Will :http://ppt.cc/FPn9  (Left)

Nick will be our host on 6/1.He will show us how to learn English with Spongebob Squarepants(海綿寶寶).
It sounds interesting,right? Don't hesitate to join us! Meeting place:中山公民會館2F
Attached are the presentation file and a word file.
For efficient learning,please print out the word file, READ it and the ppt file before meeting. 

Add:中山公民會館2樓- 台北市中山區中山北路二段128號2樓
Time: 6/1@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)

現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$100(場地費), 大學生(含)以下打七折 (研究生則無)
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

14:00~ 14:10 self-introduction/ icebreaking
14:10~ 15:00 section 1 reading
15:00~ 16:20 section 2 listening
16:20~ 16:40 break
16:40~ 17:00 section 3 or 4
14:00~ 14:10 brief self-introduction, introduction to how to improve English
14:10~ 14:20 Exercise 1.1, for participants to read the article
14:20~ 14:40 Revealing the answers to / discussing exercise 1.1
14:40~ 14:50 Exercise 1.2 discussion, chatting
14:50~ 15:00 Exercise 1.2, sharing
15:00~ 15:15 Explaining Exercise 2.1, Displaying the Video
15:15~ 15:45 Revealing the answers to/ discussing exercise 2.1
15:45~ 16:00 Exercise 2.2, discussion among participants
16:00~ 16:20 Revealing the answers to/ discussing/ sharing Exercise 2.2
16:20~ 16:40 break; voting for either section 3 or 4
16:40~ 17:00 section 3 or 4

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Bliss English Club 2013622日 夏季旅遊活動 報名通知





 活動行程:08:30  捷運松江南京站7號出口集合

10:30  石門青山瀑布
越南小棧  晚餐


活動費用:Bliss會員   NT$500    Bliss會員 NT$550  能提供多餘車位給其他Blisser的車主,其所攜帶的Non-Blisser友人收費比照Blisser

 *早鳥優惠:為鼓勵大家早睡早起,報名自5/22()早上八點起算~(偷跑先填的不算數唷)---5位報名者,各得現金$50獎勵 (須於5/26之前參加過2013meeting、報名資料填寫完整) (2013幹部除外) 



3.報名期間: 2013/5/22 (星期二) 8:00~2013/6/2 24:00 (星期日)

公佈錄取名單: 2013/6/4 (星期二)前,本次只收20人左右,採取優先報名優先錄取方式

取消報名期限:2013/6/16 (星期日),沒及時取消報名且沒出席活動者將酌收100元愛社捐。

 請千萬不要錯過這次夏日出遊好機會哦~~~現在就一起報名參加吧!! J

您可進入以下的連結報名Bliss English Club的夏季活動,請不要直接回覆此封郵件報名喲~~~

 SING UP NOW   http://ppt.cc/gkHD


 Bliss 2013 2nd Outing Notice

June 22, 2013 @ Chishan Waterfall in Shimen (石門 青山瀑布)


My Dear Blissers, 

The second BLISS OUTING in the summer time of this year 2013 is coming!! 

This time we will be going to the Chishan Waterfall in Shimen (石門 青山瀑布步道).

We could enjoy the forest walk and to see the beautiful waterfall in the mountain with Blissers.

 Please kindly refer to the following details:


-Outing Date: at 08:30a.m. Saturday, June 22, 2013

-Gathering Place: MRT 松江南京 Station Exit 7

-Fee: NT$500 for the Blissers / NT$550 for Non-Blissers

(The definition of Blisser is who has attended at least one Bliss meeting.)

(The fee includes fuel fee, dinner, insurance fee. The fee excludes lunch meal and afternoon tea) 

-Plan: 08:30  Gathering in MRT松江南京站 Exit 7

10:30  石門青山Waterfall (forest walk, relax and enjoy snacks)

13:30  莎蜜拉海岸咖啡坊 (at your own expense自費)

16:00  老梅石槽beach

18:30  Dinner at 越南小棧

19:30  Back to Taipei (arrive around 21:00)


-Sign-up starts at 8:00 am, May 22,2013

-Deadline for sigh-up: at 24:00 am, Sunday, June 2, 2013

-Date of notify attendant roll: Tuesday, June 4, 2013-

-Deadline for cancel registration: Sunday, June 16, 2013


The registration form by Google Document is available as below link. Please DO NOT reply this email for registration. 

If anyone wants to cancel the registration, please inform Bliss Staff by June 16, otherwise has to payNT$100 for Bliss English Club. 

Please be noted that there is an early birds discount which means the top 5 person registered will receive $50 discount. 

Don’t miss the chance to hang out with your beloved Blissers.

Please feel free to come and join this wonderful outing. Let’s SIGN UP NOW!! J

 è SING UP NOW http://ppt.cc/gkHD

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Hi Blissers,

The host, Ellen, shared a meaningful book" What money can't buy" on 5/18 meeting. The writer is the famous professor of Harvard University, Michael J. Sandel. He teaches a course "Justice" at Harvard University and it has become one of the most popular courses since 1980. We discussed our surroundings corresponding to this book. More and more things in this current society are viewed as merchandised product and less and less morality. Money could not use to evaluate things, but it can now. You could donate the money and gain the permission to school. We also can see the ticket scalping for the train ticket and concerts; or you could pay more to the hospital for better caring and surgery. However, do you agree with these things? We had a debate to agree or disagree. During this meeting, we were inspired about the self awareness and society justice. Thank you, Ellen!

Attandance: Ellen, Selina, Naishin, Annie, Wisely, Karl, Kurt, Daniel, Vicky, Ann, Barkley, Serina, Jessica, Judith, Stanley, Archer, Kevin Huang
Here are the photos ~
Host Ellen's photo~

The coming week is prepared by Kevin Huang. The time and place as below. I am sure you will learn lots from this meeting. See you on Saturday!
For any questions, please let me know, thanks.


Time: 5/25@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$100(場地費), 大學生(含)以下打七折 (研究生則無)

TOPIC: Learning Experiences

Dear Blissers,

For the 1st, You don't know how to cook and really want to have a try. I will share you my experience in cooking. Hope you can cook someday.
For the 2nd and 3rd, Do you ever feel confused by English words that seem very similar?

Some common mistakes we might know but we did them often. For example in this short conversation, there are few mistakes in it. Could you find it out

A: Do you exercise when you're sick?
B: Yes, I usually do. Even if I'm feeling sick, I'll go outside and run.
It usually makes me feel better. How about you.
A: How to say that? Well, when I'm sick, I like to rest. But I'm feeling fine today.
B: Well, then let's go get some exercise!
A: OK. Let's go for a bike ride an hour later.
B: Sure! See you later.

Would you like to learn some idioms and popular English phrases so your English will sound more natural? I also share some for you guys.

Have a good day,


14:00 - 14:15 Warm up, self introduction
14:15 - 15:00 Learning experience in cooking
15:00 - 15:10 Break
15:00 - 16:00 "The difference" in English
16:00 - 16:10 Break
16:10 - 17:00 "Language and Phrase" in English

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Hi Blissers,

The coming week is prepared by Ellen. The time and place as below and some notes. I am sure you will learn lots from this meeting. See you on Saturday!

For any questions, please let me know, thanks. 

Time: 5/18@ 2-5pm. (Please don't be late)
現場有飲水機,請大家自備水杯; 與會者每人現場繳交NT$100(場地費), 大學生(含)以下打七折 (研究生則無)

Note 1: Please read through and print out the attached article before joining the meeting on 5/18 .
Note 2: The virtue of “Punctuality is what money can’t buy” , show your respect to the host and other Blissers who do need your attendance on time!


Dear Blissers,

Should we pay children to read books or to get good grades? Should we allow corporations to pay for the right to pollute the atmosphere? Is it ethical to pay people to test risky new drugs or to donate their organs? What about hiring mercenaries to fight our wars? Auctioning admission to elite universities? Selling citizenship to immigrants willing to pay?

Let’s take on one of the biggest ethical questions of our time: Is there something wrong with a world in which everything is for sale? If so, how can we prevent market values from reaching into spheres of life where they don't belong? What are the moral limits of markets?

In recent decades, market values have crowded out nonmarket norms in almost every aspect of life - medicine, education, government, law, art, sports, even family life and personal relations. Without noticing and realizing it, Is this where we want to be ???

I’m going to share with you a book What Money Can't Buy, Michael J. Sandel , whose "Justice" course is one of the most popular and influential at Harvard University since 1980.

Reading this book really an eye & mind opening experience for me, everything you thought up to a point becomes questions, challenges !!

And this coming Sat. afternoon on 5/18 , I would like to engage all of the dear Blissers to into a discussion of some big questions in our lives , our societies …..I cannot promise a definitive answer after the meeting discussion however, hoping via my meeting to provide a chance to each citizen of Taiwan to think them trough .

Here is several questions which we are going to discuss some of them before /during and after our article reading , please bring us your input when joining my meeting this Sat afternoon 

1.     Is there anything in the world that we definitely should not pay to buy ??

2.     Except what we read from the article , why we shall worry if everything in our life is up for sale ? please give your own openions.

3.     Do you agree students to use market mechanism to allocate access to any lead university? ( e.g huge donations to the school )  

4.     Our military service from 徵兵 to 募兵制 , do you agree or disagree with it , why  ?

5.     Do you agree with ticket scalping with below 3 diff scenario

5.1           Ticket scalping for the May Day concert

5.2           Ticket scalping for the train ticket during the Chinese New Year vacation

5.3           Ticket scalping for the priority to have a medical care , e.g Surgery .

6.     Your observation & opinions toward below 3 diff cases

6.1           Convenient Store v.s tradition grocery stores

6.2           Train book stores v.s  small independent book store

6.3           Media merging ( newspaper and TV channels ) –e.g 旺中寬頻公司併購案

7.     What is the whole purpose / meaning of our discussion on What Money cannot buy today in the article and in today meeting ?

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Hi Blissers,

Yvonne shared her trip experience of Kenya. We knew more about the background of Kenya both in the historical and geographic ways. Before the trip, there are some documents and equipment need to prepared. During the meeting, we saw lots of photos about Kenya and learned the knowledge about some animals. We also read an article of "Out of Africa" and know more about its writer,Karen Blixen. The attached files are for your reference. In the end of meeting, we also shared our feeling with each others. It is an interesting meeting!

Attendance:Yvonne, Ellen, Daniel, Eva, Millie, Sanli, Stanley, Vicky, Serina, Wisely, Archer, Kevin Huang, Sophia, Fox
Here is the meeting photo:
Host Yvonne's photo
New member Archer's photo

The coming Saturday will be no meeting and wish everyone has a good Mother's day. The next meeting will be on 5/18 and the meeting notice will be sent during that week. 



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