Dear Blissers
Do you know Barack Obama , the former American president wrote a letter for which foreign magazine before he resign from his presidency in 2016 ?
Do you know which magazine got its average weekly circulation over 1.4 million while the other major world famous magazine ,like Time , NEWSWEEK got their circulation recession in 2017 ?
Do you know which magazine is targeting their audience to the elite people like bankers , influential executives and policy-makers ?
This coming Sat. on 1/20 , come with me to reveal the secret of The Economist, an UK magazine firstly published in 1843 and enjoy their curated selection of articles on global affairs, politics, and business after an extraordinary year of ups and downs in 2017 .
Please read and loop up all the vocabularies with enclosed PDF file of these 3 articles prior to the meeting 1/20 and please also print them out if you need to read and take note during the meeting ( Note: There won’t be any hard copies of the article provided in the meeting ) :
1. Why America’s evangelicals love Donald Trump
5. Why Russia is once again under the rule of a tsar
9 .Why more people are buying bitcoin
Here’re the guided questions of each article we’re going to discuss together during the meeting ,please prepare your answers of following questions prior to the meeting too.
1. Why America’s evangelicals love Donald Trump
(1) What does prosperity gospel worship?
(2) Why did American evangelicals give Trump the title "Man of God" despite he married three times, which is against the Christianity? How should the evangelicals face their religion?
5. Why Russia is once again under the rule of a tsar
(1) Putin enjoys an approval rating over 80% by convincing his people " if there's no Putin, there's no Russia" , In your opinion , how and why he can successfully persuade his people this idea ?
(2) Why in the long run, if the economy still heavily replies on it's natural resource will cramp Russian ambitions ?
9 .Why more people are buying bitcoin
(1.) What impact of bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency will bring to the world ? Please share your point after reading this article.
(2.) If possible, will you buy bitcoin? Why and why not ?
(3.) Do you think bitcoin will face with the same situation as Mississippi bubble or South Sea bubble?
Meeting Agenda:
2:30-3:30 Q&A of 3 articles, any question of the articles could be raised during
this one hour session
3:30-4:15 Separate to 3 groups for article discussion
Group 1 : 1. Why America’s evangelicals love Donald Trump
Group 2: 5. Why Russia is once again under the rule of a tsar
Group 3: 9 .Why more people are buying bitcoin
4:15-5:00 Summary and presentation by each group ( each group 15 mins)
- Each group members takes terms to
1) make a summary of this article and
2) Share the answers of the guided questions after your discussion
5:00-5:30 Open discussion and wrap up the meeting
- Exchange your opinions regarding the answers you learned from other group , agree or disagree the answers and why ?
My dear Bliss fellows , in this coming Sat. let’s open up our mind and soul and learn the true spirit as The Economist’s founder and all their editors for the past 175 years :
to take part in “ a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward , and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress”
See you all soon this Sat.
Ellen with love
*2018 Saturday’s Meeting from 2:30~5:30pm remains unchanged at 東豐喜藝文空間, 師大路68巷13號TOHOHI Arts Corner at Exit 3 Taipower MRT Station, addressed at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of tea, the detailed location of which is attached* |
Bliss English Club for Communication & Conducting Skills since 1997
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2018 Bliss Staff :
President (P): Ellen Huang
Education manager (EM): Annie Hsu
Vice Education Manager(VEM)/Daniel Chen
Public Relationship Manager(PRM): Winnie Tu
Bliss 2018 Calendar: 2:30~5:30 pm every Saturday
No meeting date: 1/27,2/10,2/17, 3/31, 4/7, 5/5, 5/12, 6/9, 6/16, 7/14, 8/4, 9/1, 9/22, 10/20, 12/1~12/31
Outing: 3/10 (Q1), 6/30 (Q2), 10/13 (Q3) Year –End—Party (YEP): 12/15
Venue:東豐喜藝文空間, 師大路68巷13號 TOHOHI Arts Corner at No. 13, Lane 68, Shih-ta Road, Taipei, charged at NT$150 per person with a cup of drink either coffee or tea